Chapter 40: "Our life"

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~A year later~

-"Come on darling, we are going to be late"

-"Nervous for your first day my love?" She asked kissing me.

-"A little, it's weird going back to this place as a teacher and your wife"

-"That's going to be a shock, now let's go Mrs. Miller" She took my hand and we got in the car.

I pulled up to the school's parking lot. I adjusted my hearing aids and we walked in.

Being in these hallways brought back a lot of memories. My heart was racing. She took my hand in hers and turned to look at me.

-"I know the feeling" She smiled at me.

-"I can't believe we are 28 and 23, married and walking in the hallway of the school we now both teach in"

-"I can't believe it either, my love." She let my hand go as soon as we walked into the teachers' lounge.

Most teachers turned to look at us.

-"Hey" She said.

-"You must be the new English teacher" Ms. Daniels, the pe teacher said.

-"Yes, uhm, I'm the new English teacher"

-"Finally a young teacher to take the title of the school's hottest teacher. Alexandra over here has been holding it for the past five-something years" The history teacher said, I chuckled and she pouted.

-"I don't think I can take the title, I'm not as hot as Alex" I smiled

-"So, what's your name?"

-"Emma Green, but I go by Emma Miller now. I used to be a student here, a couple of years ago"

-"Wait, I think I remember you" Ms. Daniels said "Do you have an arm tattoo?"


-"You sucked so much at PE, I felt bad for you" She smiled and I chuckled.

-"Yeah, I'm aware, thank you"

-"So Ms. Green..."

-"Mrs. Miller" It took them a while to process and once they did, their jaws fell to the floor.

-"She's my wife"

-"You are gay?" A male teacher I didn't know asked "Damn it" I took her hand in mine and she smiled at my possessiveness.

-"Well, Emma, welcome back I guess"

They introduced themselves with their full names and we made our way to our classes.

-"You got this babe" She told me before we parted ways.

The first class went by somewhat well, although I had quite a lot of students commenting on my appearance, asking me inappropriate things. I told them I would give them detention and they stopped.

That went on for the rest of the day as well. I also noticed a few quiet kids, sitting alone, awkwardly, they reminded me of myself. During lunch break I went into my wife's class and closed the door behind me.

-"You know, we never made out at the school" I said suggestively and she smiled

-"Let's change that then" She kissed me and I kissed her back

I told her how my day was going so far and she gave me advice.

As the days passed I got more used to it and the kids started respecting me more.

Rachel graduated med school and she was now training to become a heart surgeon. She was living with Sofia, a couple of houses away from us and they got engaged last year.

Marcus got his degree in physical and health education and he proceeded a career in soccer, he was traveling a lot and we barely saw him, but he was living his dream life with his girlfriend and his one-year-old son.

I never heard again from my dad since that day, after the divorce, he just disappeared, my mum was now happily dating a guy she met at her work, and he was more caring and nice than my dad had ever been to me.

I couldn't be happier, living with the love of my life and our dog, and having my best friend living a couple of houses away. Everything felt perfect.

A/N: Thank you all for reading, this story was a bit personal and I wasn't too sure whether I should publish it or not, but I'm glad I did. I hope you enjoyed it.

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