Chapter Eighteen

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Dylan's POV
I got up early this morning to prepare breakfast for Kamila. Ryan stayed in bed with her while I got busy.

With the final decision to make pancakes, scrambled eggs, sausages along with some fruits, banana and strawberries specifically. Some fresh orange juice. Just in case, I also planned to have coffee made.

Starting with the pancakes, I brought out the flour, milk, butter, sugar and cinnamon powder. Measured the flour first, then added measured sugar and cinnamon powder.
In another bowl, I mixed the milk, melted butter and a little bit of water then whisked it well before adding to the bowl of flour.

Once the pancakes batter was ready, I took out a pan and began to fry.
After minutes of frying till the bowl of batter was empty, I switched to fry the scrambled eggs, sausages.

After frying and all, I filled the pancake with sausage,eggs, banana and strawberries, taco style and added syrup to it.

After frying and all, I filled the pancake with sausage,eggs, banana and strawberries, taco style and added syrup to it

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A/N. The pancake is also filled with strawberry and banana

Around ten minutes, more or less to Kami's normal waking time. Food was ready and I left the kitchen with a full tray to the bedroom.
"She awake?" I asked Ryan quietly. "Nope, sounds like she doesn't even want to wake up." He replied in the same quiet tone.
I dropped the tray beside her on the bed and knelt to take a look of her face well.

"Wakey wakey." I said quietly. She whined and turned facing away from me. I chuckled and leaned over to her ear, "Time to wake up, beautiful." I said. "One more sound and you are going to the couch for many nights to come." Kamila muttered angrily.

She tends to be violent when you wake her if she does not want to wake up. Just like the other time she kicked Ryan off the bed when he woke her up.
The stupid ass of a brother whined claiming to have been emotionally and physically traumatized.

Five minutes later, Kami finally got up, with the excuse that she did not want the food to go to waste. She went into the bathroom to brush and do her business before returning. We kissed and began to eat.
Breakfast ended quite well for Kami and very painful for us because she was moaning all through the meal. At first, she didn't know what she was doing to us. But on discovering the effect, our vixen of a mate kept moaning every minute.

"Well, you had your breakfast with no trouble. I guess we should have ours now, or what do you think, brother?" I said with my gaze fixed on her face.
"I agree with you, where do you think we should begin?" Ryan asked. "I would really love to taste those lips of hers, and then maybe her tongue. Moving forward and downward to her neck, marking her mine." I said to him.

"Well, as for me. Something down there is really appealing to me, so I would make sure to feast on that place. Make sure she cums, and won't stop until she cums again and again and again and again till I am satisfied." He replied

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