Chapter Thirty Nine

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Kamila's POV

"All packed." Dylan said after we closed the last suitcase.

"Oh, I can't wait." I jumped onto the bed with Ryan.

"It is obvious, but you need to sleep tonight or the people of Arythell are going to have to welcome a zombie lookalike Kamila" Ryan said smiling at me.

I glared back turning my back to him to face Dylan. "Let's sleep, shall we?" Dylan said getting into bed.


We were fully ready to leave early in the morning.

We were all on Kai's back and he took flight flying slowing through the morning sky. The rising sun giving it a very beautiful orange hue,seeing it up close, there was more than one colour and it was so beautiful.

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Kai flew for a while above the forest until we got to a clear space. He landed there and continued the journey on foot.

We got to a dead end but after a second or two, the wall was no longer there revealing a much more beautiful forest.

Kai continued to walk and soon signs of civilization began to show. Some kids ran towards us calling Kai's name repeatedly.

We all got off and Vale continued to lead us forward. Even though I haven't been here before in my life, it felt like I knew where we were all going, Dèja vu probably.

We got to a house and a woman came out immediately. "Oh my, she is here. You are here." She said coming towards me, she cradled my face in her hand looking at me so closely.

"Kami, this is Dieja. She is one of the members of the council and the closest to you." Vale explained.

Dieja led us in and I met more people. A centuer, a fairy and one other lady.

"Everyone, this is Kamila and her mates, Dylan and Ryan. You three, meet Frejal, Seira and Ziena." Dieja said.

Frejal, the centuer stepped forward to me. "Pleasure seeing you Kamila. Still see bits of Reina in you." He smiled.

I smiled back and everyone took their seats. Seira looked so beautiful and elegant with her aquamarine wings which were fluttering behind her.
She smiled at me gently on noticing my stare.

" So, let's get down to business,  you think Drayka is using the rogues to search for Kamila?" Ziena asked.

"Yes, he used them to attack almost all packs around, some twice but they have only been to our pack once." Dylan replied.

"I believe he is already developing an army then." Frejal said deep in thought.

"One thing I am not sure of is how he got the rogues to work so diligently for him because they do not just work for anyone, or listen to orders." Dylan said.

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