Chapter Forty Seven

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Third Person's POV

The day for their departure came. Everyone were ready early in the morning and they were all gathered at the training clearing of the pack with  Kai.

Two groups of twelve were formed for the mission, making a total of twenty four people. The first group, headed by Kamila and Kai, they were going on Kai.

Second group, headed by Dylan and Ryan were going in their wolf  form.
As planned, Kami and Kai would fly over and she would try to spot the magical barrier, tweaking it in a way to allow them go in without alerting anyone.

"Be careful, firefly." Dylan said to Kamila kissing her on her forehead. "Seriously, be careful. Don't do anything crazy." Ryan added.
"What do you mean by crazy, I don't do crazy." Kamila told them and the two males gave a pointed look.

She only smiled and levitated herself landing on her spot on Kai. "C'mon, Kai." She said. As Kai prepared to fly, the other wolves shifted and began to run.

The journey took roughly thirty minutes before Jayden announced that the barrier should be around the area they were in. Kamila mindlinked her mates and they stopped at a safe distance.

Kai took a steady stance in the air allowing Kamila to concentrate on what she was about to do. Closing her eyes to feel the presence of the magic.

Few minutes passed and Kamila sensed the magic of the barrier. Muttering a spell, Kamila created an opening in the barrier still making the whole thing look like it was in fact intact.
The two groups went in stealthily, even though they had a spell cast to prevent them being seen, heard or scented.

Other people who were on Kai with Kamila came down to join their Alphas. Dylan told Kamila to keep still on Kai and be on the lookout, after all she could counter attack anything with her magic.

Regrouping into threes and fours, they went through the camp. After walking, they found a particular building that had more guards than usual. "This should be it." Dylan said.

"We can't go in without gaining attention. And these guys would call the attention of other guards." Ryan said.

"Knew that already." Dylan smiled. "The why are are you smiling?" Ryan asked his brother.
Just then, they heard a mindlink. 'Alpha, the other guards are already asleep.' Kamila said. They could almost hear her cheeky grin as she said those words.

'Thank you firefly.' Dylan replied smiling." Wait, they are asleep, while standing?!" Ryan whispered yelled. 'Yep, that way they won't even know something has happened around them until we are done and gone.' Kamila replied via mindlink.

Dylan went forward and opened the door using the fingerprint of one of the guards, he was actually impressed with the level of security, if only it wasn't used for something evil.

They went in and the annoying scent of rogues attacked their noses. "Find your family." Dylan said to Jayden. He nodded and went deeper into the place to other cells. He soon returned with a group of people. "Take them to Kami." Ryan said.

After Jayden left, Dylan turned to face the other rogues. Some of them were cowering with fear and some were just growling. Too feral to be saved.

"You all only have two choices or I am ending you all in here, can't have aggressive rogues roaming about, causing commotion and disturbing packs." Dylan announced using his Alpha voice so thy could all hear him.

After a moment of silence, he continued. "If you want to join our pack, you are welcome. If you don't want to, and you promise not to cause any trouble as you continue to libmve your lives as rogues. I have no problem with that.
I can tell some of you here, don't plan on doing any of the two." Dylan said.

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