Chapter Fifty One

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Third Person's POV

The battlefield was a maelstrom of vìolence and
chaos. the air thìck with the scent of sweat and blood.
Amid the cacophony of snarls and growls. Greyson's
heart pounded iercely. fueled by a blistering rage.
Each step he took twas heavy. deliberate. markìng his
descent from the rìdge where he had watched.
helpless. as his pack members fell one by one. The
ground beneath hìm. slick with mud and gore. seemed
to pulse with the beat of his anger.

"Dylan!" Greyson's roar sliced through the tumult.
commading the attention of everyone around. The
tuo Alphas. Dylan and Ryan. turned towards hìm.
their expressions set in grìm determìnation. The storm
above mirrored Greyson's fury. casting the scene in
eerie flashes of light and shadow.
In the private communion of their mindlink. Dylan's
voice was cool and resolute. 'Leave hìm. he is ours to
deal with.' The surrounding wolves. recognizing the
command of their leaders. stepped back. creating a
clear path for Greyson. Their eyes followed him. a mix
of anticipation ickering withìn.
As Greyson approached. Dylan and Ryan stood side by
side. a nited front against the lone wolf. Their
postures were relaxed yet alert. betraying no hìnt of

Ryan's response as a snarl. his eyes glìntìng with a
challenge. "We've been waiting for you." he said. his
tone mockìng. Beside him. Dylan remained silent. his
focus sharp, analyzing Greyson's every move.

The clash was instantaneous. Greyson lunged forward.
his powerful jaws aimed at Dylan's throat. Dylan
sidestepped gracefully. his own teeth bared as he
countered with a swipe at Greyson's Lank. Ryan
circled to the side. looking for an opening to strike.
The fight was brutal. each combatant showcasing
years of training and instinct. Greyson. blinded by his
rage. fought with reckless abandon. tis moves were
powerful but unguarded. driven more by emotion than
Dylan and Ryan. on the other hand. worked seamlessly
together. They moved like shadows. their attacks
synchronized and deliberate. When Greyson managed
to land a heavy blos on Ryan's shoulder. Dylan was
quick to retaliate. his teeth sinking into Greyson's
hìnd leg. elicitinga howl of pain from the larger wolf.
Panting heavily. Greyson shook off the pain. his eyes
wild with fury. te turned. snapping ferociously at
Dylan. but Ryan was already on him. his weight a
pressing force as he tackled Greyson to the ground.
The wet earth muddied Greyson's fur. mixing with the blood that now seeped from multiple wounds.

Above them. the storm raged on. thunder boomìng like
the drums of war. Rain washed over the fighters. the
droplets mingling with their sweat and blood. Dylan
and Ryan pressed their advantage. their coordination
disorienting Greyson. who struggled to fend off both
attackers desperate move. Greysorn threw Ryan off and scrambled to his feet. only to meet Dylan's full assault.
The two collided with a force that echoed around the
clearing. a primal display of strength and ferocity.
Gripped by survival instinct. Dylan's tactics shifted.
his moves becomirng more calculated. He ducked under Greyson's next attack. positioning hìmself perfectly.
With a swift, powerful leap. he clamped his jaws
around Greyson's neck. Ryan quickly reinforced the
hold. bitìng down on the other side.
Greyson's roar of agony was cut short as the brothers'
teeth met in the middle. thetr deadly grip unyielding.
His body shuddered. his strength ebbing as the life
drained out of him. dn his fading consciousness. the
faces of his fallen pack members flashed before his
eyes. their silent calls for vengeance resonatìng ìn his
dìmming heart.
With a final convulsive twitch. Greyson's massive
form went limp. Dylan and Ryan released their hold stepping back as Greyson collapsed onto the soaked the soaked earth.

As Greyson's massive body hit the ground with a thud that seemed to echo the finality of the battle, a palpable silence swept over the field. The rain, now a mere drizzle, mingled with the scent of wet earth and blood, casting a solemn veil over the warriors. The remaining members of Greyson's pack, once driven by the fierce loyalty to their Alpha, ceased their attacks almost instantaneously. With a collective, albeit reluctant acceptance of their defeat, they lowered themselves onto their knees, their eyes cast downward in submission.

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