Chapter Thirty One

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Kamila's POV

'Arythell is a very beautiful forest, every one lived together in harmony.

The witches and warlocks, the dragons, pixies and fairies, elves and dwarves, and centaurs.
We all lived happily and did not bother each other.
The witches are known as the healers of the forest because of every potion they make all the time and spells they could use to heal people.

The dragons reside by the mountains and are like guardians as well as the centaurs who resides by the mountains on the other side of the forest.

The elves are the best blacksmith, goldsmiths and locksmith in the forest, they can make any weapon which are always unique for every patronizer they get.

The dwarves are the miners. They are always by every mountain as they go in to mine every single day.

They sell some of what they mine and keep the rest to themselves making them very rich.

And us?, well, according to Meredith, the witch who took care of us.
She found us in the forest wrapped only in a little blanket. It was like whoever left us there actually wanted us to be ravaged by wild animals but I guess they did not know the type of forest Arythell was.

As we grew older, we became friends with all other creatures in the forest.
We was just Eight years old when Meredith found out we have powers not just one.

Soon, it became unbearable sometimes and hard to control making us have teachers.

And that is where Vale comes in, he was our guardian when we was little and he became a friend as we grew older.
Soon, it turns out we could share bonds with other people and made a bond with Kai and Vale. Also, Polito, our bunny. '

"Seems like I have so many pets." I said.

' Hmm, yes we do have many companions.' Reina said.

'I wish I could remember everything.'

'You would, days from today and by then we will fully be one. And already in control of our powers once again.'

I closed my eyes intending to take a little nap and soon I was fast asleep.


"Wake up, firefly." Dylan's familiar voice stirred me awake from slumber.

"Hmm, what's up?" I asked him.

"Dinner is ready, and it is already late." He smiled.

I smiled back pouting for a kiss. Dylan leaned down and kissed me.
I wrapped my arms around his neck as his tongue slipped through my lips into my mouth.

Dylan sat on the bed and pulled me onto his laps as we still kissed.
I could feel him already hard in his pants and I ground against him moaning into the kiss.

"We should stop now or I will end up being the only one having dinner between us tonight." He told me.

"We could have desserts." I replied with a sly grin.
"Of course, we were not planning on going to bed without a long over due dessert." I heard Ryan say and turned to see him by the door smirking.

He walked in and pulled me off Dylan's laps and I wrapped my arms around his neck facing him.
"Let’s go get dinner, desserts can't be kept waiting." He said.

"Of course." I pecked him on the lips.

"More." Ryan pouted.

I laughed and kissed him this time. Ryan bit my lower lips and slipped his tongue into my mouth.

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