Chapter Thirty Five

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Kamila's POV

Every day was pretty much the same in the pack. I train, spend time with my mates/ boyfriends or probably with other members of the pack at the pack house.

Today, Zoė , Sarah and I are going shopping because as Zoė said, she will go crazy if she go through another week without shopping.

I decided to shop for Christmas presents for everyone in addition to the little painting I have been making in secret for everyone.

Ryan and Dylan's painting was one of me with their wolves.
Sarah and Zoė get a couple portrait just like their parents.

My mum called the previous not really happy that I will not be spending Christmas with the family. And honestly I was in a way happy to avoid the headache I call family, except my mum and sister of course.

Due to the fact that we were going out of pack lands for our shopping,two overprotective alphas made us go with guards, even though we are capable of protecting ourselves and Zoė.

Sarah only rolled her eyes when they mentioned the condition for us to leave.

Shopping was fun and tiring as Zoė made sure to go into almost every store available in that mall.
If you think you have enough stamina to walk and stand for long, shopping Zoė will make you question that so called stamina.

We finally went to eat after arriving at the mall four hours ago and going into almost fifteen stores.

"Are we going home after this?" I asked taking a bite of my ketchup dipped chips.

"Nope, we have one more place to go." Zoė replied making me groan because that was she said five shops ago.

We finished eating and continued the shopping spree.

Two hours later, we were in the car going back home.

I went to the house immediately to hide all the presents I got and used a spell to actually hide it with how sneaky Ryan can be.
He will find it and go through it even after telling him that it is a secret surprise.

I was busy engrossed in my painting when Vale immediately stepped into the room panting.

"What's wrong, why are you breathing so hard?" I asked him.

"Come,....Kai,he is here." He said between deep breaths.
"He is here?"
Vale nodded. "And pissed, I haven't seen him like that in a while."

I followed Vale as he took me to Kai, everyone else were running away from that direction.

We got there and I saw Dylan and Ryan standing couple steps away from a big black dragon.
I found myself admiring him, his scales were reflecting the sun shining so brightly.
His neck had a bright blue color that shone the most.

But what surprised me the most was that Kai is the dragon I always dreamt about. Guess we were meant to meet each other.

Like he knew I was there, he turned around swiftly and began to approach me. Dylan stopped in front of me blocking my view but I guess Kai did not like that as I heard a loud growl.

"I don't think he will harm me Dylan, let me through." I said to my overprotective mate.

Dylan reluctantly moved aside and I walked forward to Kai who was now staring at me standing still and completely tall.

Once I was really close, he wrapped his tail around my waist and pull me closer as if he was impatient with my pace of walking.

Kai bent and our forehead touched. I felt a zap of electricity and a new sensation in my mind.

"Good to see you, little one." I heard a deep voice in my head.
Turned out he connected our minds so we could communicate well with each other.

"Good to see you, Kai." I replied placing a kiss on his forehead and he dropped me back on the ground releasing his tail from around me.

"And why haven't you come to see me?"He asked, I could envision that he was pouting.
" I was busy training and all. "I replied, stoking his scales.

Everyone in the pack finally relaxed after they saw that Kai is not a threat.

Kai blew out few fire at Vale because apparently Vale offended Kai before he came here.


It was evening after dinner. Kai was relaxing in our backyard, now I can say the huge backyard is not useless.

"Our lives is getting more interesting." Dylan said as we all snuggled in front of the fire place with a mug of hot chocolate and marshmallows.

"I wish we could just face Ryker and forget about all of this. Enjoy ourselves more without having to worry about any attacks." I said.

"Soon, and we will be very prepared to face anything." Ryan said.

Dylan's POV

Kamila fell asleep after draining her mug of its content.

"She is asleep." Ryan whispered. I carried her and went up to the bedroom. Sapphire hopped onto the bed immediately I laid my firefly on the bed and they both immediately snuggled closer.

Going back downstairs, Ryan was cleaning up. "Did she wake up?" he asked.
I shook my head and joined him. We finished up in the kitchen and I looked to see Kai staring at us.

Once I looked at him, he looked away and rest his head on the floor, eyes closed.

We went up to our room to join Kamila in bed and welcomed a much needed sleep.

Yayy, another chapter.

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