Chapter Fifty

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Third Person's POV

Kamila stood with her friends, Sarah and Zoë, on the wide, weathered deck of the pack house, savoring the crisp evening air. The trio had been busy preparing for the upcoming harvest festival, laughing and recounting tales of past pack celebrations. However, their joyful conversation abruptly ended when the sharp wail of an alarm sliced through the calm of the evening. The harsh sound was unmistakable-an intruder alarm.

Instantly, the atmosphere shifted from carefree to tense. Kamila's heart raced as she recalled the alarm's purpose. It was a dire warning that unknown entities were approaching the pack borders. With over 300 wolves and their families to consider, the pack's safety was paramount. Leaders and warriors sprang into action, shouting orders and guiding everyone towards the underground safety bunker.

Kamila glanced at Sarah and Zoë, seeing her own worry mirrored in their eyes. "I need to make sure everyone's safe," she said, her voice firm with resolve. She hurried towards where Kai, her trusted dragon companion, waited. Kai had been with Kamila since she was a child, a fierce and loyal friend.

Mounting Kai swiftly, Kamila felt the dragon's powerful muscles tense under her. "Let's go, boy," she whispered into his ear, and with a commanding roar Kai leapt upward into the sky. They raced over the pack, the wind whipping through Kamila's hair as she surveyed the land below.

From above, she could see small groups of pack members making their way to the bunker, some carrying young children, others supporting the elderly. Most of the pack seemed accounted for, but Kamila's sharp eyes caught a small figure stumbling through the dense underbrush away from the bunker. It was a child, alone and seemingly disoriented.

"Kai, there!" Kamila pointed, and without hesitation, the dragon veered towards the child. As they drew closer, Kamila recognized her as little Elsie, the daughter of two of the pack's scouts who were currently on border patrol. Panic gripped Kamila; Elsie shouldn't be out here alone.

Landing softly a few feet away, Kamila dismounted quickly and approached Elsie. The girl looked up, her face streaked with tears and dirt. "Miss Kamila!" she cried out, relief evident in her voice.

"Elsie, sweetheart, what are you doing here? We need to get you to the bunker," Kamila said, her voice soothing.

"I-I got lost. I was looking for Mommy and Daddy," Elsie sobbed, her small body trembling.

Kamila scooped Elsie into her arms, comforting her. "They're fine, Elsie. They'll meet us in the bunker. Let's go now." Holding Elsie tightly, Kamila remounted Kai, and they sped towards the bunker.

As they approached, another alarm rang out, more urgent than the first. It was the final warning. Kamila's pulse hammered in her ears, and she urged Kai faster. They dashed across the open field and down into the valley where the bunker entrance lay concealed beneath a camouflaged door in the hillside.

Members of the pack were hurrying inside, their faces tense and fearful. Kamila arrived just in time, slipping through the heavy door with Elsie clutched tightly in her arms. The door thudded shut behind them, sealing the pack inside the safe confines of their bunker.

Inside, the bunker was dimly lit and filled with the low murmur of worried voices. Kamila found Elsie's parents, who rushed over, their expressions turning to relief as they embraced their daughter.

"Thank you, Kamila," Elsie's mother whispered, holding her daughter close.
With a nod, Kamila went out of the bunker teleporting herself out since the doors were already tightly sealed.

Back on Kai, she flew toward the battle front where everyone were already.
Dylan, Ryan, Siera, Zienna, Frejal and the rest of them.
Giving a mates a nod to show that she was okay, she faced the front where the enemy was coming from.

Not all were already in view as the main group that would attack were all hidden to give Greyson the chance to think he could win the battle quite easily.

The woods began to stir, and a chilling silence preceded the emergence of their foe. From the shadowed greenery, the enemy revealed themselves-Drayka, flanked by the menacing figures of the viedagrons, creatures of nightmare with scales as dark as obsidian. Behind them strode Alpha Greyson, a figure imposing and grim, his eyes locked on Kamila.

"Bring forth Kamila, and we shall withdraw," Alpha Greyson's voice boomed across the field, his demand cutting through the tense air.

Drayka only watched as Greyson acted like his puppet doing his bidding, his eyes set on Kamila who was on Kai and his lips twisted into an evil and sly grin.

"You really think that puny command of yours can do anything. You can do better Grey." Dylan voice was steady and low but he still managed to pass his reply across, loud and clear.

"You really think you have a chance to beat us, look around you." Greyson said with a proud smirk on his face.
"I should be the one saying that tok you." Ryan said and with that, every single ally they had steeped out.

The centaurs, fairies, dwarves, elves, witches and they all stood together facing Drayka, Greyson and their troupe.

Drayka's face was now filled with anger.
" Bring her to me!!" He roared.

"Attack!!" Greyson screamed.

Warriors from Greyson's pack along with rogues began to run forward with a loud battle cry shifting into their wolves halfway.

Ryan, Dylan and Aaron led their own warriors to meet them halfway.

Dylan did not fully shift into his wolf, only the hindlimbs and his claws were out and he kept slashing and wolf that came close to him dead immediately that they had to chance to lay hand on him.

Ryan on the other hand, was fully in his wolf form, jumping on every wolf biting heads off and also large chunks of flesh that they won't even be able to heal on just die on the spot.

As he jumped from one wolf to another, he noticed Sarah who was busy with a rogue and did not notice another rogue sneaking behind her.

With a large jump, he landed on the back of the rogue and bit it roughly causing serious damage that it laid dead in seconds.

'Watch your back.' He said to her through the mindlink.

Sarah nodded and they both faced more rogues.

Up in the trees were some fairies who were shooting dart precisely into the neck of the rogues.
In the dart, was wolfsbane a very deadly poison to werewolves along with a stronger potion to make the death faster.

Greyson and Drayka did not join the fight, only watching as all the pack members and rogues were going down and there had been no single casualty on the Silver Moon Pack side.

Drayka gestured behind him and soon the atmosphere of the whole environment changed. The scrivo so and the Viedagrons had been released.

"Protect yourselves, fight in groups." Dylan yelled to all his comrades. They replied with roars of agreement facing the direction where the Viedagrons was coming from which was basically all direction.

The Viedagrons tried to corner them all into a circle but it was not successful as they began to fight back. Aiming at the weak spot, the dwarves jumped at the Viedagrons stabbing the necks multiple times and the continued to drop one after the other.

The dwarves and elves faced the Viedagrons while the wolves faced the scrivons grabbing them and clawing their wings out before stomping on them as final death.

Even as the scrivons tried to screech making use of their vocal weapon, it did not work against them.

Kamila, from on top of Kai was also attacking the scrivons in the air. As she stabbed with spears made of water and fire, she also directed some of the spears to hit the Viedagrons back on the ground.

Making a huge arrow, she release it into the air, where the scrivons were many and a loud explosion sounded in the air as the scrivons there burnt to ashes.

Drayka was now very angry as he saw how all his creatures were all being dealt with, falling down dead easily. Even though there was so many and they did not seem to end.

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