Chapter Nineteen

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Kamila's POV

I woke up to see that I was the only one in the room. On the bedside table beside the clock was  a letter. On it was the words, ' For Luna.'
I opened to read;

We didn't want to wake you up as you seem to be enjoying your nap as you are very tired.😉😉
Stepped out to deal with some official business. Call us after reading this and also there is food in the microwave.

❤️❤️Your hot Alphas.

I got up and picked my phone as I put on my slippers. The call rang only twice before it was picked.
"Hey, how was your nap?" Ryan asked. "It was great, I feel so refreshed. Where is Dylan?" I asked back. "Right here, Firefly." Dylan said.

"We are actually on our way so go eat and we can watch a movie." Ryan said. "Sure, or maybe we can tend to my flowers. Together, this time." I replied. They chuckled while I smiled operating the microwave to heat up the food. "Okay, we will leave you to eat. See you in thirty minutes." Dylan said.

The microwave beeped marking the end of the timer. I took out the bowl of spaghetti and sat by the counter to eat after pouring myself a glass of wine.
After few bites, the doorbell rang. I stopped eating wondering who it could be at the door. The bell rang again, the sound echoing through the quiet house.

I left the kitchen to get the door. Opening it, the person who stood on my porch actually made me regret getting the door.
Lo and behold, my pathetic excuse of an ex stood in front of me. His eyes wandered around my body making me wrap the shirt I was wearing that reached my knees tightly around me.

I also took in his appearance. He looked leaner than the last time I ever saw him. He already grew beard but the one thing prominent about him right now is the fact that he looks drunk and the offensive odor wafting from him confirmed my thoughts.

"What are you doing here, Tony?" I asked. "I came to see you, Kami. I miss you so much and I want us to go back to what we used to be, happy and in love." He slurred.
I almost laughed, but I stopped and cleared my throat.
"Tony, we are not getting back together. Why would you even come here?" I asked. "I want to apologize, it didn't mean for it to happen." He said. "And you are just showing up. Try something more convincing, Anthony." I told him. "You never gave me a chance." He said loudly. "Wow, you are such a cheap lying, two-timing idiot. Kindly leave my house." I saidand moved backward into my house ready to shut the door but his foot stopped me and he pushed the door back open making me stumble.

"You asshole!" I glared at him. "It is a new guy right, that is why you are acting this way towards me. Where is he. He is not the one for you, I am." He said.
This time, I laughed imagining Tiny trying to go against Dylan and Ryan.

He closed the door behind him looking at me crazily. "What do you think you are doing? Get out of my house." I told him.
Tony didn't even listen to me and kept moving closer, I took a step back as he took one closer to me until my back touched the wall.
He raised his hands to placed on either sides of my head on the wall trapping me in. "You belong to me, only me." He said.

He removed one of his hands from the wall and used it to open the shirt I had worn over my top. I slapped him and bolted into the kitchen looking for something to use against me.
Argh, goddammit. Where are the knives when you need them. I opened the drawer and grinned when I noticed all the knives sitting in it but a sharp pain on my scalp stopped me from taking one.

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