𝘊𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘵𝘦𝘳 2

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♪ Good days only serve as relief again
Now I'm watching as I waste away my days ♪

Lando Norris POV

Eleanor could fool anyone. I knew it was her fault I got married at 21, I had everything I ever wanted and now I have a public image to keep. Couldn't she have talked to me if she wanted publicity? I would've helped her, I didn't need to be threatened by my dad to be disowned if I didn't obey.

She must've had this planned since I joined Formula One. She wanted fame and money, and now she has it all. I can't be her friend anymore, I can't pretend to believe the act. I know better now. She should've been an actress, she is pretty good.

I watched as she kept her conversation with Zak going, he was genuinely involved and she wanted good pictures of her in public. We arrived at the motorhome and I went to change clothes. When I got back, she was scrolling on her phone.

"I will arrive at the hotel with you, the room is in my name but I will be on another floor" I say with the most indifference I could muster but she shakes her head.

"There is no need. You can take me to my car or leave me in the entry of the paddock if you want a good image but that's it. I am not going to the hotel" She says finishing the text she was sending.

"Even better. You know your way out then," I turn my back on her and leave the motorhome, hearing her heels behind me until I see Carlos smiling and I hear her laugh as she goes to hug him.

"Congratulations, second place is not for the weak. What a great start" She says excitedly as they finish the hug and look at each other. I just watched the scene unfold.

"Cariño, your husband made me sweat for it. What are you feeding him?" He asks while laughing and he looks at me. Her smile disappears and she looks the other way.

"I wouldn't know. But I hope you do even better tomorrow. I should get going" She says dryly and I try not to roll my eyes.

"I will see you tomorrow. You are hermosa today" He adds as she started to walk off and she giggles before she leaves.

"Trying to hit on my wife? That is shameless. You were in the wedding party, you can't be so blatant" I tease him and he shrugs.

"I am single, you behave like you are single and she should follow your lead apparently. And friends can compliment other friends" Carlos is a bit more defensive than usual but I shrug it off. He has known Eleanor for as long as he knows me. I get the defensiveness.

"I am only taken on paper, why should I waste my youth just because I was forced to do this? You want her, you can keep her. I couldn't care less" I blurt out and his smile disappears.

"You are turning into a real fucking asshole. It's no wonder she can't even smile at the mention of your name. Amy doesn't seem to be doing a good enough job if your mood is like this"

His words were all he said before leaving my side. I didn't even care enough to answer. I went to the hotel, the card in my hand was for the room in my name, which is where Eleanor would be staying, the other one is for the one I rented in Amy's name. Which I am definitely staying in. It was close to the one where Eleanor was staying but she didn't need to know I am on the same floor.

"You got here early, I guess she stopped trying to follow you around," Amy says happily as she came to hug me.

"Yeah, she must be mad this isn't going the way she wanted," I add as I prepared to take a deserved shower and she giggles.

"Oh, baby. You are so gorgeous, I can't believe we have to do this for 2 years," She watched me as she seductively said those eyes and I smirk.

"You know that as soon as the 2 years end I am completely done with her" I caress her cheek and she smiles looking up at me.

"I feel like a dirty little secret. I can't go to the garage, I can't meet your family or friends. This sucks, she is fucking it all up. I wish I had met you before you got married to her," She pouts and I kiss her quickly.

"I am going to take a quick shower. Just order some room service,"

I showered, got on my sleeping shorts, we ate dinner and ended up having sex after it. I went to the bathroom quickly and when I got back she was with my phone. I saw starting at it while doing it but didn't think much of it, until now.

"Your dad texted you and so did your brother," She comments and I snatch the phone out of her hand.

Dad: Can you please take my calls? I'm getting tired of this childishness Lando.

Oliver: Why aren't you answering?

Nevermind. Thank you for nothing.

"Fuck. Why didn't you tell me they were calling?" I ask frustrated with the fact they are now angry with no reason at all. I would've taken their calls, I have been mad at them but I would've answered. I always do.

"I thought it was about her, it's always about her," She says shrugging.

"It's my first race of the year. They just want to talk to me" I say as I tried calling them. My dad didn't pick up, Oliver either, not even Savannah took my call, I tried my sisters and one of them even had the phone off. I called mom last and she picked up.

"Congratulations on the practices. I thought you were too busy. They have been trying to reach you for an hour" My mom was mad and she doesn't usually get mad.

"I'm sorry, I was coming to the hotel and then I took a shower. Is everything okay?" I ask worriedly and she laughs, a pissed-off laugh that I know means I am in trouble.

"Your sister is in Bahrain like we had arranged, you forgot to go pick her up" Her tone was cold and my heart dropped.

"Oh no. Flo is here already? I thought she would come tomorrow morning" I try to explain myself but it was useless, I couldn't even forgive myself for this.

"We have taken care of it already, not thanks to you. But you should think about what you are doing. I would even dare to say that you are disappointing all of us in the last few months" Her words cut me like a knife, my mom never told me she was disappointed with me so it sucked to hear it.

"Oh, I'm sorry that I am not the perfect fake husband. I am sorry that I have feelings and needs and I don't want a gold digger" I burst out angrily.

"The gold digger found a way to go get your sister from the airport even if it had nothing to do with her," She says before hanging up on me.

Eleanor wins once again. And I am pissed off once again. How does she do this? How does she just get everyone to love her? Can't nobody see through the act?

Complex ∞ Lando Norris x Oscar PiastriWhere stories live. Discover now