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♪ Now there's no one to tell so you leave by yourself
But it hurts more than you could've known ♪

Eleanor Norris POV

I made a choice. I spent time with Lando, and then with Oscar. And I got to a conclusion. I had it all planned out as I stepped foot in the house, and I saw Lando holding those damn papers. His signature is perfectly done on every page.

"You," that was all I could say, the whole speech leaving my mind, making it a blank canvas.


"I chose you," I tell him, my mind still reminding itself of the divorce papers.

"Why? I mean- he was the perfect choice, the safest one. He never hurt you; I did. I thought- You chose me?" He asks me, shock visible all over his face.

"Because I see my life with you. I love you Lando. What you've done was bad, but the feelings never left. I might've felt something for Oscar, I won't lie. It wasn't an easy decision; he wasn't a rebound; he is a good guy who treated me well. But I couldn't see my future by his side, and I can mine with you," I say, and I see his shoulders sag, the tension left his body.

"Are you sure of this? No regrets?" He asks as he comes closer, and I nod.

"I'm sure Lando. You are the one I love, I choose you. I can't end this, not without us giving it a real try," I try not to cry, but he hugs me tightly.

"I love you so much, Nora, you have no idea," he whispers as he adjusts his head in the curve of my neck.

"Don't disappoint me. I have the papers on hand now," I joke, and we both laugh. He leans back to look at me. Adoration filled his eyes, and I had that nervousness in my stomach that people call butterflies.

"I never had my pick-me phase, but I know how it feels now. I was preparing for you to choose him, I was already grieving everything we could've been," he says, his hand cupping my cheek softly.

"I'm sorry for not ending it sooner, but if I did, I might've gone for him since you were still in your redeeming phase."

"What I did was fucked up, I ignored you for six months, I pretended like we weren't even married," his confusion made me smile and caress his cheek.

"I've known you for 15 years, if not more. You've never once disappointed me; you never turned your back on me; the only time you did was when you thought I had set you up somehow. It was fucked up that you ignored me for six months, but I didn't even know Oscar for six months; I don't know if we would have a future together, but I know me, and I do have a future together. Don't you think so too?"

"We have a future together, I will give you any future you might want," he says excitedly as he hugs me.

"Even kids?" I ask sneakily, I want to be a mom in a few more years, 5 years to go at least.

"Especially kids, we will have a family together. But we will enjoy each other for a few years before that," he says before kissing my lips.

Before talking to Lando, I had talked to my dad, and he told me he would support me in any choice I made. It was my turn to finally choose the best for myself without contracts, pressure, and no one to change my decision.

Lando was the one I wanted, the one I felt love for. So here we are. Lando fell asleep as we laid on the couch, and I had it scheduled to meet Oscar tomorrow, to tell him who I chose and why. It seems only fair that I have a one-on-one talk with him, too, and I have a busy month ahead; I need to do it before he travels to the circuit.

I fell asleep on the couch with Lando and woke up at the same time he did to catch the flight. After a quick breakfast, I stood in our driveway as he had everything ready to leave.

"I'm going to tell Oscar today, so I'm sorry if it's awkward for the next few weekends; I feel like honesty is the best policy in this subject," I say as he leans closer, and he nods.

"I know, baby, don't worry about it. Do what you have to do; just don't regret the decision you've made," he jokes, and I shake my head.

"Love you, call me when you land, please," I ask, and he nods.

"Call me when the talk is over; love you, baby," he says before he kisses me and leaves.

I was a mess as I walked out the door for lunch. I had reserved a private table with no one around, but having to do this is still awkward. I parked, and I saw his car was already there, so he was there earlier than me.

"Hey," I say as I get to the table and he gets up, kissing my cheek.

"How are you?" He asks with a nervous smile.

"I'm fine, you?" I ask curiously.

"I could be better, let's just go straight to the subject, we aren't the type to do small talk," he says and I nod before we order our food. The silence was loud once the waiter left.

"Oscar, I didn't mean for this mess to take place, I loved every moment I spent with you. I'm sorry it came to this, I tried to ignore what was obvious. I could play dumb while the words weren't being spoken, but now I just can't do that. That's why I wanted to make that choice," I explained, and he nodded as he listened carefully.

"Have you spoken to him already?" He asks curiously, and I nod as the tears fill my eyes; this is hard. "Nobody is blaming you for this mess, I knew what I was getting into. I wanted some fun but got too involved."

"Oscar, I chose Lando. We have a past, and I can see my future with him; I think we can make it work. I'm sorry for hurting you, I really am. I fucked up," I am scared of his reaction, I don't want to see him sad but it's unavoidable.

Complex ∞ Lando Norris x Oscar PiastriWhere stories live. Discover now