𝘊𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘵𝘦𝘳 15

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♫ I've got qualities that I'm not proud of
I've made promises that I walked out on ♫

Lando Norris POV

I watched Eleanor as Friday went by, I knew she was with someone who was here, her demeanor was overall strange, she was nervous and she was looking at everyone but me. People are trying to convince me it's not Carlos, I love Carlos, he is one of my closest friends here but I also know he has a thing for Eleanor, anyone with some sense would know that.

"Qué pasa, cariño? (What's wrong, honey?)" Carlos asks as he approaches her on the paddock, I was a few steps away talking to Oliver and Savannah when he did it so I was observing the interaction.

"Nothing, I am a bit stressed," she says as she gives him a quick hug.

"You can talk to me if you need me, I'm here." He was obviously worried and I crossed my arms as I watched.

"Don't tell me you are getting jealous now," Savannah says as she laughs and I shush her.

"Now I couldn't even hear her answer!" I whisper frustrated with what just happened.

"Oh, he is definitely feeling something," Oliver says with an almost mocking tone.

"Stop doing that. She is doing what you've done for months." Flo says as she positions herself in front of me. Cisca joins her and I roll my eyes.

"I am not doing anything, I know I fucked up, I am not getting in her way," I explain myself but it's clearly not a justifiable enough reason to eavesdrop in her conversations.

"You said you didn't want to know who it was, you are focused on the fact that it is indeed Carlos. It doesn't matter who it is, she is having fun and she deserves it." Flo says with an authoritative tone and I shake my head.

"I should've just let her talk," I say as I look to find no one where she and Carlos previously were, where did she go? Did she go with him? "Fucking hell!"

"You lost your wife, that must be stressing," Cisca says as she laughs and I walk through them, I arrive at the motorhome and she is nowhere to be found.

"Danny, have you seen Eleanor?" I ask him as I walk past his room, to which he had to the door open.

"Ferrari's motorhome with Carlos, I saw her entering it with him like 10 minutes ago while I was heading here," he said so casually that I just crossed my arms and leaned on the door frame.

"Do you like the thought of her and Carlos together?" I ask him with some interest.

"I love that thought, do you?" He asks as he crosses his arms, he is amused and I definitely wasn't.

"He is one of my best friends, I really do hope that is not a thing like you all claim it not to be," I warn him as I prepare to leave.

"You know Carlos always had a thing for her. That's none of my business or yours, but I would support her if she decided to have more than one man in the back row to substitute for the asshole she was forced to marry," he says with an obvious happiness in his voice.

"Two guys? And I was a dick for seeing a girl?" I ask confused with the difference in acceptance.

"You involved yourself with a raging bitch who used her free time to send hate messages to your wife. Also, Ellie did everything in her power to keep you close. She washed your clothes, came to support you in the races, cooked for you, and waited for you to come to your shared homes. You never did. That is why you were a dick, you never gave her a chance for happiness and you should've, she deserves it." He knew what he was talking about and there was some resentment for what I made her go through, she probably had to lean on someone.

"I was a dick, that is clear but I also regret it. I know it's too late but I would like to have the option to lean on someone like she did. Everyone tells me what I did wrong and nobody tells me how to fix it," I finally let it out and he got up from his chair and came in my direction.

"Just stop being an asshole, be there for her, and pray that the one who's been taking your role isn't doing a better job because a divorce can always happen." He says before he left me there.

I should let her be happy, I need to get our friendship back, whatever feelings I had for her before this whole mess started have been put to the side, I created this situation. I won't take her happiness away now that she found someone who saw in her what I did while we were friends.

She honestly scared me, in all the years I've known her, I've never seen her without makeup, I never saw her doing something bad, she was perfect, she kept her image perfectly and that scared the shit out of me. On the day after our marriage, I heard her alarm going off at 6 AM, she had her makeup and hair done once I woke up at 7 AM, and I realized that was an everyday thing.

I left my room after a quick shower and a change of clean clothes, I headed downstairs and there was my wife, talking to my parents happily.

"Time to head home, are you coming?" I ask as I watch her lips, her lipstick no longer exists, she had it on when she left with Carlos. I know she did.

"Yes, please," she says excitedly. We say our goodbyes and start going to the parking lot.

"Your lipstick is gone, you might want to retouch it," I comment as we finally arrive at the car, her head turns around immediately to look at me.

"Why? Do you prefer I have it on?" Her question took me by surprise and by her reaction I could tell she was regretting her own words but my eyes were going from her eyes to her lips.

Complex ∞ Lando Norris x Oscar PiastriWhere stories live. Discover now