chapter 3

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Friday, April 7th

Mid-semester break starts today and we have until the 15th.

Okay, let me give you a quick update. BK and I are seeing each other. His full name is Boikanyo Molefe and I decided to give him a chance because he's genuinely a good guy, good looking too. So here we are.

He is fetching me today and we're going out. I don't know where yet but yeah.

I'm wearing a white bodysuit and a cute denim skirt. I'm also wearing white sneakers. I then install a 36 inch straight lace frontal wig.

When I'm done, I just sit and wait for him. I don't really like makeup so...

I get a text from him saying that he's outside so I grab my black crossbody purse. I run downstairs and I'm met with my gorgeous boyfriend waiting for me.

BK: hey, baby.
Me: hey, love.
BK: let's go.

We get in the car and off we go. Our first stop is this other go karting spot. We then head to the cinema to watch a movie and catch an early dinner afterwards.

BK: how has school been?
Me: same old, same old. I have been doing very well though.
BK: that's good.

That's what we talk about most of the time, just trying to make our way up together.

BK: are we done?
Me: yep, I'm full.

We get our takeaways and he pays the bill.

BK: let's go then.

He holds my hand and we walk out. On our way out, I see Kgotso and we have hard eye contact before I look down and walk out with my boyfriend.

BK drops me off at res and as soon as I get into my room, I get a call.

Mpho: please pack your stuff, I'm coming to fetch you.

She ends the call and I do as asked of me.

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