chapter 19

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After a very awkward dinner, Kgotso and I wash the dishes together.

Kgotso: the house help is coming in tomorrow.
Me: okay.

We walk up the stairs when we're done with the dishes and we head to his room. On our way there, Mampho comes out of her room and she pushes me. I lose balance and fall to the floor. Kgotso helps me up and...

Kgotso: what's wrong with you?!
Mpho: this! this is wrong and this is what's wrong with me!

She says with tears falling down her face uncontrollably.

Kgotso: I'm sorry, Mampho. I just want Nandi in my life and I'm not going to allow your tantrums to be the reason why I lose her.
Me: Kgotso...
Mpho: oh, shut up! how very dare you open that mouth of yours? "Kgotso", are you referring to my dad like that? I hate you! I hate you both! from the bottom of my heart, I hope this ends painfully for the both of you.

She wipes her tears but more tears fall out. She then walks to her room and slams the door. Kgotso heaves a heavy sigh and he looks at me. His eyebrows raise as if in shock.

Kgotso: no, don't cry. please, Nandi?

I didn't even realise that I am crying. I break out in sobs and he picks me up and takes me to his room. He lays me on the bed and cuddles me.

Kgotso: I'm sorry.

I continue crying for a while longer and he finally manages to calm me down.

Me: she's right.
Kgotso: no.
Me: she's right. Kgotso, I can't be doing this, with her dad?

I say looking at him with more tears in my eyes. He wipes them as they fall.

Kgotso: Nandi, you're not going anywhere.
Me: but...
Kgotso: no buts. now, go to sleep, I have to work.

I do as asked of me and he does as he said he would.

Friday, May 26th

We wake up, brush our teeth and head downstairs for breakfast. The house help, aunt'Mavis has made us a full on English breakfast.

We have our breakfast and Mampho comes down too. She speaks to absolutely no one and goes into the kitchen. It really hurts that my best friend is not speaking to me. It hurts me even more that I hurt her like this, maybe I should leave Kgotso.

Kgotso: you're not leaving me.

Did he just read my mind?!

Kgotso: no, I'm not a mind reader. I can tell by how far away you are that you're thinking of Mampho and how she's hurt by this, right?

I nod and I let the tears fall.

Kgotso: leave her. come on, cheer up.

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