chapter 30

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Saturday, 27th April.

It's my big day today. Today, nothing else matters but my love and myself. The father of my future children sent his uncles to come and claim me as his own and I couldn't be happier.

My mother and I are not exactly seeing eye to eye but I'm not going to let that ruin my day. I have been dreaming about it for way too long.

I am in my room, scrolling on social media as my family waits for the Mokoena family.

After a few minutes, they arrive and I know it's them because they are saying my clan names. They are late though.

Zazi runs in, with a cousin I didn't know I had until today. Her name is Basetsana.

Zazi: they are here.

She says with a smile on her face and I blush, slightly.

Me: please listen in, I want to know what's going on.
Zazi: okay.

She exits the room and closes the door. Basetsana sits on the bed, next to me.

Me: how old are you?
Basie: 19.

I just nod and we continue to chat for a while before Zazi runs in looking horrified.

Me: what's going on? you look like you've seen a ghost.
Zazi: they want R100k and R10k for being late.
Me: by five minutes?!

Tears come down my face uncontrollably.

Me: why are they doing this? why are they being difficult? this is about Koena and I, not about the money.

Zazi: don't cry.

They both try to comfort me but all I need is my man. He calls as I'm thinking about him.

Me: my superhero.
Kgotso: baby.

I start crying all over again.

Kgotso: baby, what's wrong?
Me: my family is ruining this for us. they are being difficult, unnecessarily so. why are they demanding this much money, what for?
Kgotso: baby, calm down. trust me, they have your best interests at heart. also, I don't mind spending this much money for you. even if it meant they wanted every little dime and penny that I have, I would've given it to them. please don't let it get you, nana.
Me: okay.
Kgotso: I love you.
Me: I love you.

My brother runs in and looks at me.

Him: I'm sorry.
Me: what?!
Him: they left.
Me: what?! no!

Kgotso: calm down, baby.
Me: no.
Kgotso: I'm on my way.

I head downstairs where everyone is, except for the Mokoena family.

Me: why?! why are you so greedy and evil?
Mom: don't speak to your elders like that.
Me: what for?! you ruined my day and I must thank you? well, thanks a lot.

I wipe away my tears and runs to my room where I cry my eyes out, until I fall asleep.

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