chapter 13

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After some more time on the road, we finally arrive at Ocean Vista Boutique Guest House. Bheki grabs my bags for me and we go inside. At the reception, we are met with Kgotso.

Kgotso: you really did it.
Bheki: I told I'd make sure that she gets here and I'm a man of my word.
Me: yeah yeah, whatever.
Kgotso: hey.
Me: hey.
Bheki: I'll leave you two to it.

He walks away and it's just Kgotso and I. Kgotso takes my bags and we go up to our room. We get in our room, he places the bag down and looks at me. We hold deep eye contact for a while and I break it.

Me: you should have told me you were planning to do this.

I say looking everywhere but him.

Kgotso: you wouldn't have agreed.
Me: you don't know that.

He gives me a "oh really now?" look and I laugh.

Me: I wouldn't have agreed, you're right. but you know why I wouldn't have agreed.
Kgotso: I know but look...

He walks closer to me. Now, we are like really close. Okay, maybe not that close but let me have my moment, babe!

He then holds my hands and looks deep into my eyes.

Kgotso: I need this, I need this for us. I need us to work out.
Me: so you brought me here?
Kgotso: well, it was that or I send a lobola negotiations letter to your family and marry you by next week.
Me: Kgotso!

I say playfully slapping his shoulder and he laughs.

Kgotso: ouch.

He says and puts on a fake sad face.

Me: don't!
Kgotso: don't what?
Me: don't lie. stop exaggerating this, I didn't even hit you that hard.
Kgotso: yes, you did.
Me: no, I didn't.
Kgotso: I think you did and that's why.

He picks me up and places me on the bed before tickling me. I start laughing hysterical.

Me: stop!
Kgotso: stop who?
Me: stop, Kgotso.
Kgotso: who is Kgotso here?
Me: dude, stop.
Kgotso: no.

My phone rings and I pick it up while Kgotso wraps his arms around me.

Me: hey ,mama.
Mom: Nandi, why haven't you called? did you arrive safely?
Me: yes, ma. we actually just arrived but I was going to call.
Mom: how are things there?
Me: I haven't seen her yet but I'll let you know as soon as I do.
Mom: okay, my baby.
Me: yes, mama.
Mom: okay, I love you.
Me: love you, bye.

She ends the call and I look back at Kgotso.

Me: you're such a good boy.
Kgotso: I only behaved because you were speaking to my future mother-in-law.
Me: who is almost the same age as you, that is.
Kgotso: ugh.

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