chapter 4

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The same day

I am at Mampho's house all by myself. She fetched me and brought me here but something came up so she rushed out.

I am wearing the same outfit as earlier on, just with crocs and a hoodie.

I head downstairs and get a bottle of water from the fridge. I then close the fridge. As I turn back, I bump into someone's chest.

I look up and see the most seductive look on Kgotso's face.

Kgotso: good evening, Nandi.
Me: hey, Kgotso.

He stares deep into my soul and then breaks eye contact before walking away. What is he trying to do?

I struggle to open my water.

Kgotso: give it to me.

He opens it for me and hands it to me.

Me: thank you.

I take a sip and he sits on one of the high chairs.

Kgotso: how was your day?
Me: it was okay, I had a date today with my boyfriend and then Mampho fetched me from res. I then came here but then she obviously left me by myself.
Kgotso: you have a boyfriend?
Me: is that all you picked up? what about your daughter leaving me here in this big house by myself?
Kgotso: what's his name?

Why is he so interested?

Me: BK.

He nods and gets up. He walks closer to me, slowly and I become nervous. I drop my bottle of water and we both try to pick it up at the same time but he gets to it first.

We both stand up straight, slowly and on our way up, there's this deep eye contact. He brings me closer to him and kisses me. Oh, this man wants to drive me crazy?!

After kissing me for a solid 2 minutes, he breaks the kiss and places a peck on my lips. He then runs out, leaving me completely amazed.

Wait! My water!

I follow behind him.

Me: Kgotso! Kgotso!
Kgotso: yes, mommy?

He says while still walking.

Me: the water.
Kgotso: get another one from the fridge.

He goes into his room and closes the door. I heave a heavy sigh and look at the door. What's with Kgotso?

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