chapter 27

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Saturday, March 9th

I am going home today and Kgotso's family is coming to pay damages for me and the child. This is painful, I wish we were doing this under different circumstances, with a baby in my belly. A life inside of me.

I get to my house and my mom holds me and takes me to my room where I just cry my eyes out.

Mom: I'm so sorry, my baby.

Oh, if only she knew that she's going to be even more disappointed in me by the end of tomorrow.

We have dinner and then depart as we all go to bed.

Sunday, March 10th

We get up early and prepare for the day. My aunts, uncles and cousins are here. My cousin, Bhekisisa and his wife just arrived.

Bheki: hey, my baby.
Me: hey.
Bheki: how are you?
Me: I'm good thanks and how are you?
Bheki: I'm just ready to meet the boy that impregnated my baby sister.
Me: he is not really a boy.
Bheki: we'll see about that.

Oh that, you will. My brother calls him and they go and sit with the men, while I sit and bond with my sister-in-law and my niece. My sister-in-laws name is Zazi.

Zazi: beside everything, how are you?
Me: I'm holding on.
Zazi: oh sisi, please be strong.
Me: I will.

I am wearing a long black dress and a black head wrap, with a black shawel. I'm also wearing black and white dunks.

Anyway, I take my niece and sit with her and her mom in my room. After a few minutes, my mom comes in to inform me of the arrival of Kgotso's family.

After about two hours, they call me out. I get there and I keep my head bowed the entire time. 

My uncle: my child, which one here is the father of the child?
Me: baba, it's Kgotso, the one in the middle.
My uncle: alright, you can go.

Hours later, Kgotso's family leaves and my mom walks in, fuming.

Mom: how could you disgrace me like this? I never raised you like this! where do you learn these values?

She walks closer to me and slaps me. It burns, so bad. The tears fall down my face and she looks at me, in pure disgust.

Mom: you're with a man that's 21 years older than you?! you disgraceful child!

She says and another slap follows. My brother walks in and holds her back while Bheki calms me down.

Me: I love him, mama! and I will fight for our love!
Mom: over my dead body.
Me: that's not a problem.
Mom: Nandipha!
Me: I am going to marry that men and I'm going to carry his children and there's absolutely nothing that any of you can do.

I grab my bags and walk out. I am headed to Kgotso's house. Bheki is taking me there.

Me: are you also judging me?
Bheki: no.

He parks outside of Kgotso's house and looks at me.

Bheki: is this it?
Me: yes.
Bheki: this guy must be monied then.
Me: he is.

Kgotso comes out and Bheki helps me with my bags. They both greet each other and Bheki and I say our goodbyes.

Bheki: I'll check on you tomorrow?
Me: okay, thank you.

I give him a hug and he leaves. I look at Kgotso.

Me: I want to try for a baby again.
Kgotso: and we will, once you heal.

I nod and we go inside. Mampho walks out of her room and looks at me. Yes, Mampho. We fetched her during the week.

Mpho: I'm sorry.

I honestly can't keep this grudge so I have forgiven her. I give her a hug and go to my room.

My best friends stepmother.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora