chapter 38

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Kgotso and I are hosting a small celebratory get together with a few friends, it's for Hlompho. Hlompho was a premature baby and the first few days were extremely scary. They took him and placed him in an incubator where he sat for a couple of days. They then had to monitor him for sometime after that and all I wanted was to take my baby home.

I was discharged three days after giving birth but I left my baby in the hospital and that gave me insane anxiety. Kgotso and I had to go see my baby at the hospital. I would get home each night and cry while Kgotso comforts me.

However, after a few days we were able to bring my baby back home and what a beautiful day it was. Everyone was here to see the baby, Hlompho Mokoena.

My mother has been here for the past month helping me take care of Hlohlo and she will be here for a while longer. She is not here today as she wanted to go back home for a day or two. Now, we know that miss girl just wants her man.

Anyway today, we are celebrating Hlompho. My baby who was able to unite and bring together my family all over again even with his own issues and complications.

I am currently in my bedroom combing out my straight lace frontal wig.

Kgotso: hey, my love.
Me: hey.
Kgotso: listen, how about you get your idea and you and I go to home affairs and officiate this thing.
Me: tomorrow?
Kgotso: a thousand times, yes.
Me: I still want my big wedding though.
Kgotso: if you want it, I want it more.
Me: okay.
Kgotso: give me a kiss.

I look at him and give him a kiss.

Me: I love you.
Kgotso: I love you.

Mampho walks in and pulls me out of the bedroom.

Mpho: your child has been sleeping for way too long.
Me: your brother?
Mpho: thanks for reminding me. please wake him up.
Me: so he can scream his lungs out? no.
Mpho: please! I am begging you!

I then hear Hlompho crying from his nursery so I head there with Mampho. I breastfeed him for a while before handing him to Mampho when he is calm. We then all head downstairs where our friends are.

We all head outside to the porch and sit there. We sit there and chat for a while before Kgotso stands up and fixes himself. He is wearing black chinos and a black golf t-shirt with some sneakers, looking absolutely dapper if you ask me.

Kgotso: uhm there is something that I would like to say while I stand before our friends today.
Bhekisisa: I hope it's good.
Kgotso: I hope so too.
Zazi: bathong?!

We all chuckle nervously.

Kgotso: baby, you left our home a while back as you were fed up about how I was treating you. things weren't good between us then and I chose to behave in a manner that I am not so proud of. on the day that you...

He pauses as he pulls my ring out of his pocket. I start tearing up as I remember that I left this ring here when I was upset at him.

Kgotso: on the day that you left, you took this ring off and left it on our bed. mama, as I stand before all our friends today, I would like you ask you this one question again...

Everyone stares at him in anticipation.

Kgotso: will you marry me?
Me: of course, koena.

I stand up and give him a hug. He them places the ring where it belongs, ON MY FINGER!

Kgotso: I love you, mommy. and I am terribly sorry for not hearing you out.
Me: I love you too, baby.
Zazi: since we are giving out gifts, open mine!
Me: which one is it?
Zazi: the one with the big blue bow!

And she is not exaggerating because the bow is BIG! It's a baby blue box and it is absolutely adorable, even with the exaggerated bow.

I open it and find three Dior rompers, one that is blue with white print and vice versa with the second one. The third one is beige and absolutely adorable.

Me: thank you, babe! he will look so adorable in these!
Zazi: that's not all, I got a matching bottle for the blue one.
Me: oh, oh. oh, that's nice.

I look at Kgotso and he just looks away and he is trying so hard to hold back his laugh.

Me: thank you but don't you think that it's a bit extreme?
Mpho: if you think that is extreme, wait until what you see what Shaka got him. forget that, you should see what BK got him.
Me: BK?
BK: yes?
Me: Shaka?
Shaka: you don't have to ask twice, here is my gift.

He says handing me a small box but not so small. I open it and my jaw drops!

Me: you got a one month old a Rolex?!
Shaka: yes!

He says excitedly.

Me: Amu?
Amu: I tried to stop him and he spoke about how Hlompho deserves the world so...
Me: Shaka.
Shaka: yes?
Me: thank you. BK?

He hands me his phone and shows me a picture of a cow.

Me: you got him a cow?
BK: yes.
Me: thank you, he is one very wealthy one month old.
Mpho: I know, right?

She laughs her bum off and Oratile gives her the death stare.

Mpho: hai aunty Oratile, leave me alone. your son got a one month old an entire cow! and what did you say?
Ora: what can I say?
Mpho: reprimand him. take him to Mr. Price and show him some rompers to buy for the baby.
Ora: leave me alone.
Mpho: you're only saying that because you know your gift is more extreme.
Me: yoh! you know what? we will get back to the gifts? how about we eat and then cut the cake?
Ora: I second that.

Ora hired a catering company and they delivered the food this morning so we only heat it up, dish up and serve everyone.

While we're eating, Hlompho becomes hysterical so I take him up to his nursery where I breastfeed him and lay him down to sleep. Kgotso walks in and hugs me while we admire our adorable baby.

Kgotso: thank you.
Me: thank you.
Kgotso: me saying those words is not enough so please follow me.
Me: ooouuu.

He holds my hand and leads me outside where everyone else is already standing. In front of me stands an Audi RS8.

Me: is it mine?!
Kgotso: yes.
Me: baby, it's white!
Kgotso: you hate it?
Me: I love it!
Kgotso: you do?
Me: thank you! baby?
Kgotso: you loved the sound and I couldn't give you mine, I love it too much so I decided...
Mpho: daddy, hush! you are ruining it.

I get in and rev it! Oh, I'm really beginning to live my dream. All that is left is for my surname to change too.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17 ⏰

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