chapter 9

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Thursday, May 18th

I have been spending my nights here since Monday. Kgotso takes me to school. He also fetches me and brings me back here. Even the helpers and security know me, lol.

I have been absolutely in love with this man all week. I think about him 24/7 and all I wanna be is in his arms. Truly speaking, I have never felt another love as good as this.

We are on the couch, cuddling while watching a movie. I am deep in thoughts though and I heave a heavy sigh.

Kgotso: talk to me.
Me: how are we going to Mampho about this? I mean I am her best friend, it just...
Kgotso: don't think so much about it, nana. I think we'll just have to cross that bridge when we get to it. right now, I just need you to let go of that boyfriend of yours.
Me: BK?
Kgotso: I don't know his name and I didn't really look at him the other day either.
Me: I-
Kgotso: baby, I want us to work and in order for that to be, you and I need to be on the same page. I need us to put in the same amount of effort, please, my baby?
Me: okay.

I smile and he places a peck on my forehead.

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