Author's Note

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In the quiet corner of a bustling world, where dreams mingle with reality and imagination knows no bounds, there resides a storyteller. A novice in the grand tapestry of literature, this writer's journey begins not with a purposeful stride but with a leap of faith into the realm of the unknown.

Meet Arshika, a soul enraptured by the whispers of imagination and the allure of untold stories. With pen in hand and heart brimming with curiosity, they embark on a quest to explore the uncharted territories of their mind, weaving tales that spring forth from the depths of their boundless imagination.

Driven not by fame or fortune, but by an insatiable hunger to give life to the characters and worlds that inhabit their thoughts, Arshika ventures into the labyrinth of storytelling with childlike wonder and unbridled enthusiasm.

As you turn the page and delve into the pages of "Beneath Eternity's Embrace," remember that within these words lie the dreams and musings of a fledgling writer, daring to defy the limits of reality and embrace the infinite possibilities of the imagination.

So, dear reader, join Arshika, on this extraordinary journey, where every word penned is a testament to the magic of storytelling and the power of imagination to transcend the ordinary and illuminate the extraordinary.

Hello guys👋, I am Arshika, this is just me pen name. This novel is my first novel as I love reading novels as well and gradually started to imagine myself in my own dream of newly created realm. This is my First novel and first time as an author. Please don't mind my mistakes and grammar. I don't have anyone to guide my novel. I also don't know if there is going to be anyone who is going to read my novel but, please please please🙏🙏 like the novel, I really want to feel it 😁😁.

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