Chapter 9

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Ayushi's heart raced as she realized the gun hadn't fired. She looked between Erebus and the weapon in confusion, her mouth falling open in disbelief. It was a real gun, not a toy or a prop. She struggled to comprehend the situation.


"Doomed!" reverberated incessantly in her mind, drowning out all other thoughts.

Erebus struggled to contain a burgeoning smile as he observed her speechless and bewildered expression. How adorable she looked in that moment! Yet, he swiftly composed his features into a mask of cold indifference, taking the gun from her trembling hand.

She gulped audibly, her fear palpable, yet her resolve remained unbroken.

He said, "Did you eat?"

With confusion clouding her eyes, she attempted to meet his gaze. Erebus repeated, his commanding tone yet insistent, "Did you eat?"

She swallowed nervously and nodded. He moved his eyes to see the plate where he had set biscuits, along with cold and painkiller medicines.

He observed her trembling hands and the fear in her eyes, her gaze fixed on the gun in his hand. Despite her age of at least 20, her petite frame made her appear much younger, especially in contrast to his towering 6'2" stature.

He sensed her fear palpably as he inched closer, a glint dancing in his eyes. With the gun held firmly in his right hand, he slowly raised his left hand, watching her reaction keenly. She hugged herself protectively and squeezed her eyes shut.

Her trembling form and protective stance spoke volumes, revealing the depths of her fear and mistrust. Erebus couldn't help but feel a pang of remorse as he realized the extent of her trauma and the demons she faced in this unforgiving place.

Despite his efforts to protect her, she saw him as no different from the monsters that lurked in the shadows outside. The teasing and mischievous glint vanished from his eyes as he observed her trembling form. He took the plates and thermoses, silently acknowledging the fear and mistrust that clouded their interaction.

Moving to the other side of the tent, he spoke in a calm yet firm tone, "Do you really think I would leave a loaded gun here with you?"

"Go back to your tent and retrieve the necessary items," he commanded, his voice cold and commanding.

He observed her stunned reaction, then raised his voice slightly, "Move quickly! I don't have all day."

She just looked down without doing anything, trembling. He lowered his gaze and his eyes fell on her bare legs.

"Wait, here"

As Ayushi watched Erebus exit the tent, a wave of unease washed over her, mingling with the damp chill of the forest air, Is she going to live here? She couldn't shake the feeling of being ensnared in a den of wolves, surrounded by danger on all sides.

Each tent in this clandestine encampment harbored secrets, each inhabitant a player in a deadly game of cruelty, power and deceit. More facilities provided, higher the position.

Her gaze swept across the interior of Erebus's tent, taking in the opulent furnishings and signs of privilege. It was clear that he held a position of significance within this clandestine operation, his accommodations rivaling those of Viktor himself.

But what did this elevated status truly signify? Doesn't that means he is as same as him, or else why would Viktor take give him this position and power.

The implications were chilling. If Erebus stood just below Viktor in terms of power and authority, did that not make him just as formidable, just as ruthless? Ayushi shuddered at the thought, her mind racing with questions and uncertainties.

As Ayushi pondered her next move, Erebus returned to the tent, his movements purposeful and devoid of emotion. Without sparing her a glance, he moved to another section of the tent, leaving her feeling uncertain and alone.

Lost in her thoughts, Ayushi was startled by the arrival of another man, his stature mirroring Erebus's, his face concealed behind a mask. In his hands, there was a bag and stood there, sometimes shifting at her then Erebus. She knew, he knew what happened between them, not only he but everyone knew.


Luke stood frozen, grappling with the surreal scene before him. Erebus had requested women's clothing, and without further explanation, had retreated into his tent. Confusion clouded Luke's mind as he tried to make sense of the situation.

His thoughts were interrupted by the distant sound of a man's voice, harsh and commanding, yelling at captives nearby. Shaking off his bewilderment, Luke hurried to fulfill Erebus's request, gathering some clothing and returning to the tent.

As he entered, he was met with a surprising sight. A young girl, looked barely more than a teenager, stood awkwardly in Erebus's oversized garments, her gaze averted as if trying to disappear. Luke's shock was palpable as he saw a red and purple marks on her neck, he exchanged a glance with Erebus, the silent communication speaking volumes about the gravity of the situation unfolding before them.

"Oh my god!!!!" Luke exclaimed in his mind.

His thoughts racing a mile a minute. "Erebus did that with her?????, such a small girl, she's not even more than 5'2"! This is like something out of a twisted comedy sketch!" Despite the gravity of the situation, Luke couldn't help but find the absurdity of the moment somewhat humorous, even if it was dark humor at best.

He handed her bag, She peered inside, finding a few garments neatly folded within. She cast a cautious glance at Erebus, as if asking for permission. Taking his small nod as permission, she silently retreated to the bathing area of the tent, seeking privacy to change.

Suppressing his urge to speak out, he remained silent, his eyes fixed on Erebus before eventually retreating to his own tent, the weight of unspoken words hanging heavily in the air.


Ayushi emerged from the bathing area after changing, her steps cautious as she observed Erebus seated on a chair, idly toying with a gun. Pursing her lips, she positioned herself silently at the side, adopting the demeanor of a mere bystander.

Erebus lifted his gaze to her, his expression cold and detached as he issued his command. "You have only 30 minutes to gather your belongings," he stated coldly. "If you're late, you know the consequences..."

Ayushi nodded silently, her heart racing with a mixture of apprehension and resignation. She understood the gravity of his words, knowing all too well the price of disobedience in this unforgiving world.

Turning away, she hastened with her limping legs to comply with his directive, her mind racing with thoughts of the uncertain future that lay ahead.

Erebus strode purposefully toward another corner of the tent, his movements deliberate and controlled. With practiced ease, he retrieved a rifle concealed in a hidden compartment, its presence known only to him. Such meticulous concealment ensured that no one, save for Erebus himself, would ever uncover its whereabouts.


Ok, so here is another chapter and update.................. So what do you think? What going to happen between Erebus and Ayushi 🤔😏. And, who is Luke, How is he related to Erebus, no, no, wrong question, Who are they? What's there real identity? 🤔🤔

Finally, itne log padhne lge ye book, itni achii feeling aati hai na ye jaan ke ki koi aapke book padh rha hai, psnd aarhi hai ye kisse, ufff........ Almost 13-14 log padhte hai yaar aur bhi mtlb 25 tk toh padhte hai, pata nhi kyu achievement jaisi feeling aarhi hai😂😂😂 aesa lg rha hai pata nhi kya jeet liya maine. Anyway, yaar itne log padhte ho vote bhi kr diya kro plzz 🥺🥺

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