Chapter 13

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In a world where survival hung by a thread, every decision carried profound consequences, and the sacrifice of one could mean the salvation of many.


Erebus's POV

The guards' cruel laughter hung in the air, a grim reminder of the harsh reality of captivity. Despite their taunts, I pressed on, focused on the tasks ahead. In this unforgiving environment, survival trumped all else, and empathy was a rare luxury.

But, then I heard, "She looked like a dying bitch, how did she get into Boss Erebus's tent?"

"Yeah, I wouldn't even have noticed her in the first place."

"Shall we indulge in some fine entertainment with these delicate creatures?" The sinister tone dripped with malice, echoing through the air like a venomous whisper.

Erebus continued to moved forward, without showing any emotion well knowing who they were talking about, in his mind he was thinking, 'Just a month, only month' for this cruel luxury of theirs.

In the path, I saw her in the line of captives, waiting for her task, I just had a glance her, I can't show any special attention to her in front others. And, moved towards Viktors's tent as usual, I heard him as usual, indulging with woman. After 15 minutes of hearing me, Viktor came out, and I informed him calmly, "I had sent informant to the 3 camps, there is nothing suspicious in any of them."

"Yeah, I know", Viktor.

I said, "Hmm, then the problem should be on that side only."

"HAHAHAHA, yeah. You know Erebus, you always impress me with your handling way of situation.", said Viktor while laughing he asked ,"Well!, Aren't you going to ask me that why I didn't trust you and sent my informant as well?"

"You're the Boss and the business is yours", I said simply.

"I love this confidence of yours, tell me do you want to be the head while I will be away?" , He asked me

"No, you should give this task to Markus, he is more experienced in this business. I am a new here." I calmly said without drawing any attention. I knew he was testing my loyalty, but unfortunate of him, I am younger than him, it is true, but far more experienced in mind playing than him.

"Sure", He said simply while laughing he asked, "Wanna accompany us in the room?"

"No, I am done for today......" , Indicating that I also have a captive and she is getting nothing special from me. Neither I want to endanger her life nor I want to thwart my whole plan.

"Fine, Fine go play with your little sheep. HAHAHAHA.....", He said while laughing with malice.

I stepped out of his tent, knowing that the initial phase of the plan had been executed flawlessly. Now, I need to care about next move now.


Ayushi's POV

I received my assigned tasks for the day.

Firstly, I was to gather with three other captives to dispose of all the accumulated trash.

Secondly, I was tasked with cleaning the captive's tent, a duty shared amongst us.

Thirdly, I was assigned the laborious chore of washing the clothes—garments not only belonging to our fellow captives but also those of the bosses and guards in the main camp.

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