Chapter 30: Payment

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Recap: The question loomed like a specter in their minds: Why had action not been taken sooner? Why had they been allowed to operate unchecked for so long, only to face the swift and decisive intervention of the king's forces now? The answers remained elusive, shrouded in the enigmatic machinations of those who held sway over their fate.


"H..... How", The air in the room grew heavy with tension as Viktor's trembling voice broke the uneasy silence. His question hung in the air, How had their carefully constructed façade crumbled so spectacularly? How had their secrets been laid bare for all to see?

The soldiers surrounding them wore expressions of smug satisfaction, their demeanor a stark contrast to the panic and disbelief etched upon the faces of Viktor and his cohorts. It was clear that they had been outmaneuvered, their carefully guarded secrets exposed by forces beyond their comprehension.

As the implications of their predicament sank in, a chilling realization dawned upon them: they were no match for the power and authority arrayed against them. They had underestimated the reach and influence of their adversaries, and now they would pay the price for their hubris.

"By his highness the Crown Prince, the Keyaan Suryavanshi." Zeres replied coldly, breaking their thought and making them more stunned.

The mention of the Crown Prince, Keyaan Singh Suryavanshi, sent shockwaves through the room, leaving Viktor and his associates reeling with disbelief. How could the elusive heir to the throne, known only through whispers and rumors, have orchestrated their downfall?

Keyaan's involvement added a new layer of complexity to their predicament. As the leading commander of the prestigious J&P mercenary group, he wielded formidable influence both within and beyond the borders of Suryavart. His knowledge of their illicit activities struck fear into their hearts, for it meant that their downfall had been orchestrated by someone with unparalleled power and authority.

Questions swirled in their minds, but one thing was clear: they were facing an adversary unlike any they had encountered before. The revelation of Keyaan's involvement marked a turning point in their fate, plunging them deeper into the depths of uncertainty and despair.

It was a well-known fact that the royal family of Suryavart valued privacy and discretion, especially when it came to their children. While their eldest son had been designated as the heir to the throne, his public appearances were few and far between, shrouded in secrecy to preserve the semblance of a normal life.

In contrast, the eldest princess, Jiya A.R., the queen of the Raj family and Arya Kingdom, stood as a rare exception. Her public persona had been cultivated through her previous career as a child live-streamer and actor, earning her fame and recognition beyond the confines of the royal court.

"Who? I... I mean....." Viktor still in shock.

Zeres with cold voice and amusing eyes, "Do you want to know? David aka Viktor."

Zeres's words hung in the air, heavy with anticipation and dread. Viktor's mind raced as he tried to piece together the puzzle of Keyaan Suryavanshi's involvement. The mention of seeing him before sparked a flicker of recognition in Viktor's memory, but he couldn't quite grasp the significance.

As the tension in the room reached its peak, Zeres's voice cut through the silence like a knife. With a steely gaze fixed on Viktor, he uttered the words that sent chills down their spines.

"He is none other than... "


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