Chapter 18 : Eavesdrop

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Upon closer inspection, her suspicion were confirmed—the device lacked the distinctive "V" symbol that adorned all of Viktor's control mechanisms.


Amelia's POV

As she concealed the controller, a surge of unease washed over her. If it didn't belong to Viktor, then whose was it? And what intentions lay behind its presence in their camp?

With a sense of urgency gnawing at her, I made her way to the task assignment area, using Marcus's name as a guise to blend in.

I moved my way towards main camp and saw everything, no one was outside, it was silence everywhere with some of the captive. I started cleaning, then again I saw Luke coming out of tent with a frown.

I made my way towards Marcus tent and saw Boss Erebus coming out of it, he didn't notice, that's what I always felt strange. In this camp, I am known for my face, but, Erebus and Luke were the only one who never care about it.

Luke never have ever touched any women in the camp neither men. Erebus has a captive, that MUTE, what's so good about her? I never understood. She is so small, like a child nor is she beautiful not to mention mute as well, but she got into his tent.

She lived luxury there, but what about me? I was raped by many, I don't even remember, how many of them took advantage of me.

[What Amelia never considered was, she was getting the result of seduction she did on men present there, for her own benefits. Now, she is getting the results of her own actions.]

I also came from India, saw them taking her in the ship, with that other mute Eve. Actually, she was able to speak that time, she cried and begged and even fought with them.

But, one of them grabbed her by her throat slapped her and threatened her, "Damn you, girl, you're so noisy! If you continue with your racket, I'll take your little life"

"L....Let me go, pp....le...ase...." and tried to get away from him, but he kicked her and sent her flying into the air. Her body fall heavily onto the wall and then ground.

Her mouth, neck, and other parts were bleeding continuously. She got unconscious for straight 2 days, whole covered in blood. The scene was so brutal that no one has slept that day. Those people were almost were going to dump her into the ocean.

After that day she never spoke.

I got out of my thoughts and accidently saw Luke's eyes on Erebus. They were looking at each other. And then Erebus moved towards Luke's tent. It's nothing new, it's common for them to go to one another's tent. I moved towards the tent and took the trash and slowly started dumping it while eavesdropping.

I heard, "Did you find it or not?"

"No", Luke's voice, such a fearful voice. Fearful? of Boss Erebus ? but, they never knew each other, than what's going on? I leaned more closer to the tent.

"You lost the controller, you know everyone's life can be in danger because of it.", Erebus

I knew now, that controller was Luke's. I further eavesdropped

"What should we do now?"

"Army is almost ......" and then I was not able to here anything. So, I tried to lean more closer....

I moved but then I felt someone's presence behind me. Gulping, I turned and saw them ........

Erebus and Luke standing there with clenched jaw. Although, I never ever saw their face, but I could almost sense the danger radiating from them.

"What should we do now?", Luke

"Le ....... Let m.. me"

"Let me go. I..... I ddidn't hhee..ardd anything......... I swee......aar ", I said fearfully.

Erebus directly took me by my throat, it's suffocating, I am not able to breath. It's hurting and suffocating. I tried to speak, "I kk...know ww..h..where iss".

He let his hold lose a little and I took a long breath, "I , I really .... Know wh... where is"

"It.. is is with me"

I spoke

"What is with you?", Luke

"Contro.....ller, with red mark", I spoke still taking long breath. And, hearing me he dumped me to the floor, like a trash.

They looked at each other. "Oh yeah?, go and bring it then, you have 7 minutes", Luke with casual tone

And I ran, as fast as I could. I regret it, I shouldn't have meddle.

I returned with controller in just 5 minutes and gave them hastily.

They looked at it, then each other, and lastly at me, while taking out a gun. "I won't say anything", I said hurriedly in fear, seeing it.

"I can ev...even you, I know many things about Vik....Viktor and Marcus, believe....believe me"

I said trembling with fear. Erebus took a glance at Luke and he nodded.

"Ok, then tell us", Luke

"N...Not, n..not", I said

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