Chapter 26 : Torture - violence⚠️⚠️

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⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️Violence ahead, please do not read if you can't handle......


In that moment, Rakesh felt a swell of admiration for the girl before him, a reverence for her unwavering spirit in the face of unspeakable horrors. Despite the odds stacked against her, she refused to surrender to despair, refused to accept her fate as a mere pawn in someone else's twisted game. He spoke to her ......


Rakesh engaged Ayushi in conversation for nearly 15 minutes, extracting every morsel of information she possessed. And why wouldn't she comply? In this infernal place, no soul deserved to endure such torment. No one deserved to be a mere plaything in this twisted game of life and death.

Ayushi divulged everything she knew, holding nothing back. She provided them with a discreet drawn map of the camp, a testament to her astute observations and meticulous planning. Despite being a captive relegated to the shadows, her keen awareness and feigned muteness had allowed her to slip away unnoticed before.

She recognized the soldiers as members of the army, discerning from their demeanor and gaze a stark contrast to the malevolence that permeated the camp. Yet, it was only when they presented proof of their identity, albeit bearing insignia unfamiliar to her in India, that she relinquished every detail she possessed.

Little did she know, however, that her escape from this world would remain an unattainable dream, forever beyond her grasp.

Rakesh and Manav were so shocked that they turned speechless. Even Keyaan wasn't able to give this much information to them as she has. Manav roamed around the tent and found document lying on the small stool at the corner of the camp. He moved towards it, and saw the document that made him widen his eyes.

Rakesh heard footsteps coming here, and Manav moved from his, He hurriedly moved towards Rakesh, but he signaled him to stop there. Manav moved out of the camp like he came and there he saw Marcus, "Hey, Tom due to want to enjoy that  new one? huh?" while laughing disgustingly. Many present there also laughed with him, and they started there lewd talks.

While Rakesh, "We need to distract them" said out of nowhere. As Rakesh uttered those fateful words, a sense of foreboding settled over him, an inexplicable urgency urging him to action. Though uncertain of the reasons behind his declaration, he knew with unwavering certainty that this infiltration was paramount to advancing the next phase of their rescue mission. Ayushi regarded him in silence, her expression inscrutable, betraying neither approval nor objection.

"I don't know why I'm telling you this, but we must infiltrate this camp," Rakesh continued, his voice tinged with a sense of urgency. "According to your information and what we received, this is the nerve center of the other camps. We need a distraction."

With the weariness of age weighing heavily upon him, Rakesh assumed the guise of an elderly laborer, his stooped posture and faltering gait a convincing facade. Meanwhile, Marcus and his cohorts unwittingly became the targets of their diversionary tactics, their attention to be drawn away by any means necessary.

Emerging from the confines of the tent, Rakesh retrieved a trash bag, blending seamlessly into the backdrop of menial laborers scattered throughout the camp. Unbeknownst to him, however, his seemingly innocuous statement in the presence of Ayushi would catalyze a night of unparalleled cruelty and horror. For Ayushi, unwittingly thrust into the role of pawn in this macabre game. This night is going to be the nightmare for everyone.


As Marcus entered the tent, his eyes scanned the dimly lit space until they settled upon his intended target, cowering in a corner as if seeking refuge in the shadows. A sinister smirk played upon his lips as he beheld her trembling form, reveling in the power he held over her.

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