Chapter 31: Betrayal- Erebus's actions

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Happy reading Eternities!! pretty long chapter ahead!!!

As Erebus urged his mountain goat towards the dense forest, he and his team were very fast and already reached other side of the mountain. While, Marcus still walking with his team on the terrain, his walk started from fast to extremely slow. When he reached a point where 2 path led to the Mritagram village, one which is short but one of the dangerous routes. While, other very long but not dangerous. He saw signal left by Erebus which indicate, that Erebus took shortest path yet dangerous.

Marcus gritted his teeth but can't do anything, after all, after Viktor: Erebus is the boss.

The shortest route is actually filled with grass spikes and uneven paths. Tamasvan is itself a very dangerous forest, no one dared to go into this forest without prior preparation. Yet, he was walking on his foot, without any preparation. He thought that Erebus will take care of everything, but who knew he would left them in a lurch.

When Marcus reached the village, His hands were already scratched by the branches and even his coat was tattered in some areas, due to uneven terrain his boots were almost gone, it had become a cloth shoes from the boots....... only to learn that Erebus has already left for the tent.

Was Erebus's train running late, by any chance? That's why he is being as fast as lightening.

When Marcus was covering half of the distance from shortest route, Erebus already reached the village. He in no time, bought the required ration. In Mritagram, someone can buy things through the barter system only. In this place, in middle of the forest, people here need resources rather than money.

They are currently camping inside the inner side of the forest in which some medicinal herbs and animals are easily accessible. The inner forest is a treasure for the medicinal herbs, and these herbs are essential in this village which is in middle of nowhere.

Erebus bought necessary items, and in private, with his own things like a woolen coat, some herbs he found from the forest, he bought the items that is beneficial to pregnant women. Luke and Freya, also has some things, by which they wanted him buy more items for her.......

When Marcus reached the village, Erebus has already set off from the village, with the ration before sunset.

"B...boss, can we stop for a while?" A man behind Erebus asked a little timidly. He looked at him in hesitation.

"You all rest here," Erebus announced, his voice steady and commanding against the backdrop of the fading day. "I must continue on. There are important matters that require my attention." He already got the signal from capital. Viktor is under arrest, with strong proofs.

Erebus said and started without waiting for them, behind him, other men also started, it's better to be in the camp, rather than in this dark terrible Forest, where landslides is as frequent as the neighbour's visit in the house. 


Erebus returned to the camp in just a day, he saw something is amiss, everyone nervous. He had already noticed smoke coming out of the camp from the distance, he moved towards its direction....... Only to see Marcus's tent on fire. The fire has already engulfed the whole tent, but it didn't touch surrounding tents, and he already guessed who is behind this.

As expected, he saw two men from Marcus's team bringing Freya in front him, she was on her knees and they were dragging her. But, his eyes hardened when he saw her state. She was slapped till her face was swollen like balloon.

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