Chapter 11 : Postponed

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I stared at her a while, and got out of the tent.


Ayushi's POV

I finally took a moment to catch my breath, surveying the interior of the tent. It was a rectangular structure with a triangular point at both the entrance and the rear. Despite its size, its waterproof fabric providing protection from the elements. The clothed floor seamlessly merged with the rest of the tent, creating a unified space.

Inside, the tent was divided into two sections by a clothed wall. Upon entering, two wooden chairs and a table formed a makeshift sitting area. Beyond the clothed partition, the second section housed the bed, a small side table, and two bags—one containing my belongings, and the other, presumably his.

One side of the tent featured a door-like structure leading to a small bathroom area. Separated from the main tent by an additional waterproof cloth and wooden pillars, the bathroom consisted of a clay bucket and mug, providing basic amenities amidst the rugged surroundings.

What am I supposed to do now? Waiting for him? For what? This temper of mine can only be in my head, not in my face, or else, the hell I will face will be much worse. I moves toward bed and laid on it, on the corner that is near to the rear wall of tent.

The sudden image of those two girls flooded my mind, igniting a chilling sense of dread. What if I had been captured that day? What if he hadn't intervened and rescued me? But then again, didn't he do the same to me,  ..........when I was in my weakest state.

I closed my eyes, fatigue weighing heavily upon me, and drifted into an unconscious slumber, oblivious to the tumultuous thoughts swirling in my mind.


Author's POV

Erebus stepped out of the tent and walked toward discussion room, greeted by Viktor's chilling presence amidst the shadowy figures that loomed around him. "Looks like you're enjoying with your little sheep," Viktor's voice dripped with malice, a predatory glint in his eyes.

With a disdainful smirk, Erebus brushed off the insult, refusing to waste his breath on such a contemptible figure. Marcus, a sinister presence among them, chimed in with his own twisted suggestion. "Why don't you share her with us? We wouldn't mind enjoying your little sheep," his laughter echoing with sinister intent.

Ignoring Marcus as if he were nothing but a pesky insect, Erebus locked eyes with Viktor, his gaze unwavering and calm. The air grew tense as Viktor revealed unsettling news. "One of our transactions is postponed," he announced, causing a palpable shift in the atmosphere.

"And what of it?" Marcus interjected, his tone laced with arrogance. Viktor's response was stern and decisive. "I need to go there if the situation demands. I've already received word from my informant," he declared, his words laden with gravity.

Derek, a seasoned member of Viktor's inner circle, voiced his concerns. "We've never encountered this problem before, Viktor," he reminded, his voice tinged with apprehension.

"I know," Viktor conceded, his expression grave. "That's precisely why I need to handle it personally. We must exercise caution, especially with Suryavart's army and J&P lurking, led by none other than THE KING."

"If you go, then who will lead these 4 camps here?", Marcus

Viktor remained composed, taking a leisurely sip of wine before responding. "Let's assess the current situation first. If the need arises, we'll discuss it," he replied, his words carrying an air of authority.

Luke, ever the provocateur, interjected with his trademark laughter and mischievous glint in his eyes. "Why, Marcus? Are you angling for the role of leader?" he teased, his tone playful yet tinged with underlying intrigue.

This made the tension even heavier than before. Marcus glared at Luke, Viktor casted a glance on him and nothing said.

"Send the message to other 3 camp, check if there is anything weird anywhere.", Erebus

Viktor casted a very impressive glance on Erebus. As he was the only one who understood the gravity of the situation, made an instruction instantly rather than being in a banter.

Viktor's command cut through the air, his voice authoritative. "Give all the captives three meals a day from now on, along with one cup of milk every three days per person,"

As his words hung in the air, Markus couldn'tresist adding his dark jest. "It's time to prepare the lamb forslaughter... HAHAHAHA," Everyone chuckled with him.

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