Chapter 14 : After 20 days

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We just nodded, after all we are "MUTES"



After sharing dinner with Eva and the others, I made my way back to Erebus's tent, feeling a sense of relief as I stepped inside and found everything just as I had left it after cleaning earlier in the day. With Erebus absent, I could finally relax, if only for a moment.

Peeling off my worn-out sweater, I made my way to the bathroom area, splashing my face with water. Despite the chill in the air, the cold water offered a welcome respite from the day's toil.

Unlike in the captive washing area, where water was neither cold nor warm, Erebus ensured that the water here was changed to warm every morning, a small comfort in an otherwise bleak existence.

As I settled onto the bed and gazed out of the window, watching the birds soar freely in the sky, a fleeting smile graced my lips.

For a brief moment, I found solace in the simple beauty of nature, a reminder that even in this hellish place, there were moments of tranquility to be found. With fatigue weighing heavy on my limbs, I surrendered to sleep.



Entering the tent, I made my way to the inner side and found her nestled peacefully within the cocoon of blankets. With a sense of quiet reverence, I removed my mask and coat, allowing my upper body to be exposed to the cool air of the tent, before slipping beneath the covers beside her.

Lying on my back initially, I couldn't help but eventually turn to face her. Her face was a picture of serenity, devoid of the fear that had become all too familiar in this place. I knew that my past actions had contributed to her unease around me, which is why I had purposely returned late today, wanting her to have a moment of respite after her taxing day.

As I gazed upon her tranquil features, a pang of curiosity stirred within me. What would she be like if she were free, like a bird soaring through the open skies? It was a question that lingered in my mind as I gradually succumbed to the embrace of sleep, the weight of the day's responsibilities momentarily lifted from my weary shoulders.


The days melded into one another, each following a familiar pattern that repeated like clockwork for the next 20 days. Ayushi would rise with the first light, her movements methodical as she attended to the tasks assigned to her as a captive in this forested prison.

Meanwhile, Erebus continued to navigate the complexities of his own existence within this shadowy realm. His duties as a leader demanded his attention at every turn, yet in the quiet hours of the night, he found himself drawn to Ayushi's side, a silent observer to her peaceful slumber.


After 20 days.......

Author's POV

The main members from the main camp gathered, their faces etched with concern and tension as they awaited news from the Viktor. The lack of information from the above had left them in a state of Limbo.

"I tried contacting them, but it is futile. We need to take actions fast, because this is border forest, patrolling team can take inspection anytime in 3-4 months.", Viktor, a central figure in this clandestine operation, took center stage, his voice resonating with authority as he briefed the assembled group on the situation at hand.

"I need to leave for Suryavart immediately," Viktor declared, tinged with a hint of urgency born of the silence and lack of guidance from his higher-ups.

The clandestine nature of their operations demanded swift and decisive action, yet the absence of information from above had left Viktor with no choice but to take matters into his own hands. His illegal business dealings relied on a delicate balance of power and secrecy, and any disruption threatened to unravel their carefully constructed plans.

Viktor continued, his tone unwavering despite the uncertainty that loomed over them. "I must assess the situation firsthand, and if necessary, make arrangements to ship the captives when I will send the information or even return myself."

Everyone, nodded their head, understanding the situation they are in. Derek, "You need to assign a boss here temporarily, Viktor. And, whom are you taking with you for this?"

"With me you, Gabriel, Ali, James and others are going. Erebus, will be the temporary boss of all the 4 camps. Marcus and Luke, you will lead him as well. I don't want any of tantrums from you all." Viktor assigned everything quickly to everyone.

Markus glared at Erebus, but didn't say anything. Discussion goes on till sunset, and everyone got to their respective work. Tomorrow, Viktor is going to Suryavart.


Ayushi's POV

I returned to the tent, exhaustion weighing heavily on my shoulders. The day's toil had left me drained, my muscles aching and my spirit weary. Working alongside Eva, Lyra, and Amelia had been nothing short of grueling, with the lion's share of the tasks falling upon me and Eva's shoulders. Lyra, had wasted no time in shirking her responsibilities, content to bark orders from the sidelines while contributing little to the effort. As for Amelia, her absence from the workload was justified by Lyra's claim of illness, though I knew all too well the true reason behind her affliction.

Viktor's insatiable desires had taken their toll on Amelia, leaving her physically and emotionally scarred night after night. In this tent, where secrets festered like wounds left unattended, Viktor's predilection for BDSM was common knowledge, a dark shadow that loomed over us all.

From what I see, she herself trying to get into this predicament, or why else without any orders she goes to Viktor's tent when he didn't ask for her. In the first place, she herself goes to him in the name of task after being raped by him. But, in this place, everyone will do everything to be alive, I don't have any right to judge anyone.

The bosses, usually stoic and composed, now wore expressions of unease and apprehension, their demeanor betraying a sense of foreboding that sent shivers down my spine.

Exhausted from the day's labor and burdened by the weight of uncertainty, I collapsed onto the bed, succumbing to the embrace of sleep's comforting oblivion.


Erebus entered the tent, settling onto the bed beside her and gently clasping her hand. Over the past 20 days, he learned to respect her boundaries, offering silent comfort through touch. As he observed the calluses on her palm, evidence of her hardship, he felt his heart clench.

While Erebus remained aloof, Luke remained vigilant, understanding the weight of his responsibility in safeguarding her and keeping an eye on her. As they braced for the next phase of their plan, he remained ever watchful, knowing tomorrow would usher in a pivotal operation with the potential to free the captives.

What he didn't expect was Markus to stay here, now, he has to manage him as well. He really didn't expect Viktor to be so cautious of him even after being with him for so long.


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