Chapter 2 : Back to hell

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Warning: Some violent and disturbing scene ahead......

The morning sunlight filtered through the canopy of trees, casting dappled shadows across the familiar tent where she found herself once again. As her eyes fluttered open, she couldn't stifle the lone tear that escaped, tracing a path down her cheek. She was back in the same place from which she had desperately fled, back to the hellish existence she had fought so hard to escape.

With a wince, she attempted to sit up, only to be met with searing pain shooting through her ankle and waist. The exertion of her escape, coupled with days of running on meager rations, had left her weak and malnourished. At twenty-two years old, she looked far younger, her petite frame and gaunt features giving her the appearance of a teenager. Her face, once vibrant with youth and innocence, was now etched with the weariness of her plight, often hidden beneath a mask of tears or grit from the forest floor.

Alone in this desolate place, she longed for the warmth and security of her former life—the life she had known before she became a pawn in someone else's greed-driven game. It was a life filled with laughter, love, and the comforting embrace of her family—a stark contrast to the horrors she endured in this hellish realm.

But amidst the chaos and despair, a glimmer of hope flickered within Ayushi's heart—the memory of the masked stranger who had come to her rescue. Though she feared what fate awaited her now that she had been returned to this place, she clung to the fleeting sense of safety he had provided, even if only for a moment.

As if summoned by her thoughts, the entrance to the tent parted, revealing the tall figure of the masked man who had both saved her and brought her back to this nightmarish reality. Her heart pounded with a mixture of fear and uncertainty as he approached, a small plate of food in his hands—the meager portion barely enough to sustain a child, let alone a grown woman.

"Eat," he commanded, his voice muffled by the mask that concealed his face, his tone offering no room for argument.

Ayushi's hands trembled as she accepted the offering, her stomach knotting with hunger as she took in the sparse meal before her. Despite the gnawing ache in her belly, she hesitated, unsure whether to trust the man whose actions had both saved her life and condemned her to further suffering.

She glanced up at the man, her gaze meeting his cold, emotionless eyes. They were like ice, betraying no hint of the turmoil raging beneath the surface. Taking the plate he offered, she began to eat, each bite a silent acknowledgment of the harsh reality she faced. She knew she would need all the strength she could muster to endure the hellish punishment that awaited her.

In the past month she had been here, she had not uttered a single word, leading everyone to believe she was mute. But he knew better. He had heard her voice, soft and desperate, pleading for help in her unconscious state. Yet, despite knowing she could speak, she remained silent, her throat raw and clogged from the frigid nights and unspeakable horrors she endured.

"What's your name?" he asked, his voice a low and cold rumble in the stillness of the tent.

She continued to eat in silence, refusing to meet his gaze as she focused on the meager meal before her. After she finished, he offered her water, and she drank thirstily, grateful for the reprieve from her parched throat. But still, she remained silent, her gaze fixed on the threadbare blanket that covered her trembling form.

Growing impatient, he asked again, his tone more insistent this time. "What's your name? Do you want me to hand you back to them, to suffer the punishments like the others? Hmm?"

At the mention of punishment, she shuddered involuntarily, the memory of past horrors flashing before her eyes. And then, in a voice barely above a whisper, hoarse from disuse and fear, she spoke a single word.


There, amidst the shadows of the tent, he learned the name of the girl who had been silently and smartly navigating the depths of this hellish existence—Ayushi. The irony of her name was not lost on him; named for the dawn and long life, yet condemned to dwell in a world shrouded in darkness and despair.

"How did you come here?" he asked, his voice a low murmur in the stillness of the tent.

Ayushi remained silent, her gaze fixed on the ground, too terrified to utter a single word. He did not press her further.

"Stay here," he instructed, his tone firm and cold. "Those men from last night are no longer a threat. You understand the situation you're in, don't you?"

Ayushi nodded, her heart pounding with uncertainty as she contemplated what lay ahead. She knew the assumptions that would be made if she stayed here, knew the whispers and accusations that would follow her every move, they would think that she slept with him, she is defiled. But she also understood that in this merciless world, survival often came at a steep price.

With a solemn nod, he introduced himself. "I am Erebus," he stated, his cold voice carrying a weight of authority. "You will stay here from now on, but you will continue to work as you did before. There will be no leniency in that."

And with those words, Ayushi knew she was on the edge of a knife, where every decision had the power to tip the scales between life and death.

Ok! So this is the 2nd chapter I know it might be really confusing right now, that what's going on ?, where is this place ? and all. Trust me, it's going to be clearer ahead.

Thank you so much.

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