Chapter 23 : I want her tonight....

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Humans have tendency to bully weak and fear strong.......


Indeed, the human inclination to prey on the vulnerable while cowering before strength is a stark reflection of our primal instincts. Throughout history and across cultures, this tendency has manifested in various forms, from playground taunts to systemic oppression. The weak are often targeted as easy targets for exploitation, while the strong command respect and deference through displays of power.


Marcus, "She touch the things she never should touch."

"They really thought they are a free bird just because Viktor is not present."

He started kicking her, Freya was just whimpering now, she dared not utter a word, knowing that any protest would only invite further wrath upon her. In the merciless world of captivity, defiance was a luxury she couldn't afford.

As he grabbed her hair harshly and pulled her to stand, it felt as though her hairs are going to be ripped apart.

He started dragging her to main campground, to PUNISH her.

Erebus and Luke stood frozen, their hearts heavy with anguish and frustration as they witnessed the brutal assault on their sister. Despite their positions of authority within this camp, they felt utterly powerless in the face of Marcus's unchecked cruelty. The realization that Suryavart's army personnel were infiltrating the camp, standing as guards, only added to their sense of urgency.

Their fists clenched with impotent rage, but they knew that any intervention would only escalate the violence and thwart their plan to infiltrate this damn camp. Trapped in a web of helplessness, they could only watch in despair as their beloved sister suffered at the hands of this bastard. Just then, ...... a very small voice rang in their ears.

"S...Stop p..please"

All heads turned sharply in the direction of the anguished cry, their faces a mix of shock, curiosity, and apprehension. The sudden interruption shattered the eerie silence that had settled over the camp, drawing the attention of 6 people present their.

Ayushi stood there, her hands trembling as they clutched her abdomen, a mixture of fear and pain etched onto her face.

"She she, rea...really, didn't do anything", Ayushi said in small hoarce trembling voice. Marcus turned towards her, to see who dared to actually to stop him.

Ayushi didn't spoke since she came here, just that fateful night 2 months ago with Erebus forced to speak and this chilly weather, made her throat clogged.

Marcus saw her with narrowed eyes and then laughed hysterically, "Then, care to tell me who did that?"

"F...Freya, didn't go inside your tent. I was outside present, s...she was ju.....just cleaning the are.....area. A..Amelia was there, she came outside... from y..your tent."

Ayushi said slowly, looking at the ground. While Amelia was shocked by getting involved. Even though she was just watching the show.

Erebus who was shocked beyond his senses. He was really shocked by her. The girl who never get involved in anything, bullied by everyone, always covered in injuries, actually spoke against Marcus and that too because of Freya.

Amelia glared at Ayushi, and hurriedly looked at Marcus, and saw him looking at herself furiously. She hated Ayushi to her core now. How dare she? Yes, she was there and she did that, but, what does this have to do with her? Freya was punished, so what?

Erebus, looked at Marcus calmly and said, "You know now, it is all due to your own negligence. Don't blame others. And, did you forget what Viktor said? Huh?"

Viktor told them to make captives more presentable as they are going to ship them at any moment. Marcus knew this but acted opposite. Marcus is filled with resentment, why can't he be the boss? Why this Erebus, a child, can actually be instead of him?

When Viktor was here, he had to listen to him, and when he is gone, he had to listen to Erebus. Huh

"I know." He said, while gritting and dropped Freya to the ground. She was already partially unconscious, she looked towards Ayushi who helped her in this situation, when her own brothers were powerless by responsibilities. An unknown stranger whom she just helped few times, stood before her and for her.

Marcus's predatory gaze fixated on the seemingly insignificant figure of Ayushi, her trembling form a stark contrast to his menacing presence. Erebus, Luke, and Freya watched with bated breath as Marcus approached Ayushi, his intentions clear and foreboding. Even Amelia, taken aback by the sudden shift in Marcus's attention, felt a shiver of apprehension run down her spine.

With deliberate steps, Marcus closed the distance to Ayushi, his demeanor exuding a palpable threat. As he reached her, he grasped her chin with a cruel grip, forcing her to meet his gaze.

Ayushi's eyes remained tightly shut, her lips quivering with fear, as Marcus loomed over her like a predator stalking its prey.

"I want her tonight, Erebus."

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