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Elliana's POV

I wake up in my bed to the smell of something being made in the kitchen. I peep my eyes open and look at my phone checking the time, great 2pm. I sigh getting out of bed and going to my bathroom brushing my teeth and taking my hair out of this agonizing ponytail letting my dark long locks fall down. I throw on a pair of comfy shorts and walk out to where my brother is making food.

" well good afternoon sleeping beauty." He says chipper with a smile

" did you move me last night?" I ask him rubbing my eyes and making myself a glass of my rasberry tea

" I did, and you're welcome, if I hadn't you and Juno would've both been hurting when you woke up." He chuckled setting a plate of eggs and bacon with a bowl of grits infront of me

" thank you.. what made you want breakfast for lunch?" I say softly giggling  starting to eat the food

" it sounded good and I figured you'd be hungry too." He shrugged taking a seat next to me

" did you enjoy your late night walk?" I asked him with a small smile

" besides the fact that weirdo stood outside our building for i don't know how long and i don't know why yeah." He said finishing the last of his bacon and eggs and moving to his grits

" wait, what happened? Did you say anything to him." I said just as shocked as one could be to know that a creepy man stood outside our building I'm assuming wanting me to be the one to come back downstairs

" yeah actually I did. I asked him why the fuck he was still standing there, and told him to get a move on before I either severely hurt him or called the cops. Next thing I know buddy just walks into the darkness and just disappears not saying anything." He says standing placing his dishes in the sink and begins washing them

" what the fuck. The nerve of some people." I say sighing and shaking my head as I finish up my food and wash my own dishes

" yeah well I think it's safe to say you might just have a stalker. So be careful going to work. Take the car OR take a weapon." He said patting my shoulder looking at me as if to say you only got those two options elli

I sigh as he answers the door letting in his 2 best friends. I give them a simple wave and retreat back to my room. I decide I need some shopping therapy to clear my mind off of the events of last night.

-hey girly, wanna go shoe and outfit shopping?- Elliana

Buzzz buzzz

- of course! Meet you at hustlers?- trixie

- you know it.😘- Elliana

I set my phone down after messaging trixie and get ready. I throw on a pair of black ripped shorts that accentuates my booty to a T, and add a black plain spaghetti strap crop top. I dig through more of my clothes and find my black sheer shoulder and arm cover and slide it over my head then add a few necklaces and rings to my fingers.

I do light makeup seeing as how my face will feel like it's drowning later tonight at work, then slide on my white platform doc martins and fix my hair just a tad before grabbing the car keys and heading out of my room.

" I'm meeting up with trixie, I'll see you in a bit Dani!" I holler out to him as him and his friends shout over the video game

" okay! Be safe! Love you!" He hollers back waving but not looking away from the tv

" love you too!" I say before exiting the apartment and taking the elevator back down to the garage

I walk to my big and oh so beautiful black demon challenger. I got it not long after I started dancing and did every mod I could think of to it. I start it up hearing it roar through the garage lot and pull out heading towards hustlers.


30 mins later I pull into the parking lot and find Trixie's car parking next to it and see her smoking. I shake my head with a small laugh hopping out of my car and going to her driver window. She opens the door with a smile smoke billowing from the car.

" girl I can hear you coming from like a mile away way with that loud ass thing you drive, sounds like damn gun shots when you slow down then just VROOOMMM when you hit the gas." She says laughing as she steps out of her truck giving me a hug

" it's better than this gas guzzler of yours ma'am." I say rolling my eyes and returning the hug

We both laugh walking into the X-rated store and begin looking around. I head over to the outfits while she makes her way to the shoes. I see a gorgeous silver see through body suit, definitely will need pasties with this one. I take it off the rack hanging it over my arm as trixie races over to me holding up a bright lime green pair of platform stilettos.

" how would this look with this little lime green bikini set?" She asks holding up the set

" on you? Amazing." I say with a big smile nodding my head and she squeals

" I'm gonna wear it tonight! Maybe I'll and a few more dances." She says wiggling her body a little and smirking with a giggle

I shake my head and pick up a sequin white thong bikini then head over to the shoes. I find a white pair of platform stiletto boots to go with the bikini and a gorgeous silver rhinestone covered pair of regular platform stilettos that have wrap around straps that go up my ankle.

We make sure we have everything then head to the check out counter paying for our stuff, then leaving the shop. A chill comes over my body even though it's 90 degrees out and I look around at my surroundings. That's when I see it, or him should I say correctly.

" trix... trixie... stop." I tell her grabbing her arm and snatching her back to me

" Jesus fucking- what elli?" She says scanning the area then she sees the same thing I'm seeing

" holy shit is that the guy from last night?" She asks me her jaw dropping as I can't take my eyes from the man across the street leaning against the side of the coffee shop

" uhm. Yeah. He ended up following me home last night, then when Dani left to go get his dog some food he had said that the same man was just standing there almost as if he was waiting for me to be the one to come down..." I say to her as we start to walk to our cars

" Jesus stalker much?" She said scoffing and rolling her eyes

" there's no doubt about that one, but why me?" I say to her and she shrugs to me as I get into my car starting it up

" well I mean you are pretty damn fine, if I was a guy I'd wanna stalk you, just be safe getting home and I'll see you tonight.." she giggles at first then turns serious taping the edge of my door where I have my window down and I nod to her looking back across the street again.

I pull my eyes away from the masked man and drive off back home. This can't be happening. This isn't real... I have a stalker, and hell I don't even know what the man looks like, just know he's got hella tattoos and long black hair. I race back home trying not to think about it...


I make it home and see Dani and his friends still in the same spot. It's 5pm so I decide to take a nap before my shift tonight and head directly to my room.

" taking a nap. Don't wake me up and don't bother me." I say to Dani as he says a quick okay and returning back to his friends

I slip out of the outfit I had on and hop into bed setting my alarm for 9pm so I can get up and get myself somewhat together to go to work. My mind races with the thought of the mysterious man hoping he keeps his distance, even if it is creepy I'd much MUCH rather him keep his distance.

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