Chapter 10.

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Elliana's POV

I awake and the bed is empty and cold I'm assuming he woke up and left before I could wake up. I sit up in bed my mind running to the events of last night, it was weird I wasn't scared and he wasn't as rough with me as he has been. I'm still untied and free to roam at least the room, so I get up and walk to the bathroom and see if I can try to find some kinda make up or something, he got the wardrobe and the bath products but did he go as far as to get my make up too?

I spend 15 minutes looking and find a decent sized back in the towel cabinet, I pull it out unzipping it to find that it is make up and all the same products I use, man he was dedicated.

I do a face of make up and yes I went full out like I would do my dancing make up just for the simple fact I feel like I haven't done it in so long, I then run my fingers through my dark curls letting them drape down my back

I go to the wardrobe and look through the array of clothes but find nothing I want to wear today. As I turn around I See Ronnie standing in the door way his arms are folded and he has a smirk on his face.

" what? Did I do something?" I ask him propping a hand on my hip

" oh nothing kitten, you know if you promise to be a good girl I'll show you the entire closet I have for you." He smirks and my mouth parts slightly

"Closet?" I ask him folding my arms not believing the words that came out of his mouth

He chuckles softly and walks to the corner of the room next to the bathroom. He pushes a part of the wall inwards and it opened up to a walk in closet I walk in behind him looking at all the clothes.

" is this...? All for me...?" I trail off feeling all the different fabrics and looking at the array of clothes shoes and accessories

" yeah. Actually it is kitten. I told you, you ain't getting out of here and I wanted to make sure you could be comfortable, that is when you're not trying to escape or being punished." He said leaning against the island in the middle of the closet eyeing me
Up and down.

" what about my brother? He will be looking for me. When he does find me you'll end up dead." I say to him folding my arms and he chuckles sarcastically slowly walking towards me closing the distance between us

My back is pressed firmly to the wall and he is inches from me his scent filling my senses he places one hand around my throat keeping me in place and gripping firmly while his other arm comes next to me on the wall, our chests almost touching with each breath.

" as ive told you before kitten, nobody is finding you here and even if i can trust you not to run and we do go out it would take an army for anyone to take you from me. The other people or said person would most likely die trying." He said softly in my ear sending chills down my spine.

" now then get dressed and meet me down stairs babygirl." He says smirking knowing he's got me feeling some kinda way

At this point do I wanna try running anymore? All it'll result in is me getting punished and I'd much rather take a punishment for my smartass mouth than running, it hurts less. He leaves the closet leaving me standing there to catch my breath. How just fucking how am I allowing this man to do this to me? Usually I'm well guarded but with him it's like it all goes out of the window completely.

I slide on my black skinny jeans with a black strappy crop top, I slip a belt through the loops and tighten it around my waist. I slide on a pair of black heels that are relatively high, and I know you're probably thinking why fucking heels Elliana well that's simple I lived in heels 90% of the time and that's how I was comfortable, hell I was less clumsy in heels than I was regular shoes. I slip on a black leather jacket and add a few rings and a necklace.

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