Chapter 32

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Elliana's POV

Chris and Jacky both kneel by me as well. A silence falls over the penthouse as my muffled screams and sobs fill it.

" Elliana, listen... we did make it to your brother. They kept him alive enough to be transported to the hospital here but he is in critical condition... on uhm... on life support..." Chris says and I pick my head up looking at him and his eyes look sad as he looks back at me

" come on we will take you. Jay will stay here with Juno and set up his food and a few things we managed to grab from your old home even though a lot of things were smashed... or shot... or burned..." Chris says again as Ronnie helps me up from the ground

I can only manage to nod my head as me Chris and Ronnie walk out of the penthouse and to the car in the car garage. We get in and head for the hospital and I just keep thinking about how maybe if I was there, I could have protected Dani I could have helped him in some way... even if it meant I died or ended up back in the hands on Andy at least my brother wouldn't be on life support right now which only means one thing... death is around the corner..

We make it to the hospital and Chris takes us to Dani's floor. As we get closer to his room my anxiety spikes and I can feel my body slightly shake.

" do you want me to go in with you kitten?" Ronnie says softly as he turns to me looking into my eyes and placing his hand on my tear streaked cheek

" please... I can't do this without you...." I say looking up at him and he nods and opens the door

Dani lays there a tube down his throat hooked up to plenty of cords and wires looking like an engine in a car. Parts of his body are wrapped in gauze and both legs are hoisted up in casts. His head was shaved and a large cut now stitched up can be seen and his whole face is so black and purple he is almost unrecognizable...

" oh my god..." I half scream half say as my hands fly to my mouth as I walk closer to Dani's bed

" oh Dani I'm so sorry... if you can hear me please it's your big sister I am so sorry this should have never happened to you... I should have been there..." I cry softly as I hold his bandaged up hand

" ah you must be Elliana his sister." A man says and I turn to see the doctor and Ronnie Scoots over to the head of the bed next to me so the doctor can come around the bed

" what-what happened to him?" I ask the doctor shakily

" 70% of his body is burned, both knee caps were broken luckily not to bad so their in casts. He had internal bleeding in the skull leading me to believe he had been hit multiple times with blunt force, lacerations across his entire body, and a few cracked ribs." The doctor rambles out and my heart breaks with every word of Andy did this much damage to my brother I can only imagine the hell he would put me and Ronnie through if he ever got his hands on either of us, but I know we wouldn't go down without a fight and I'm sure Dani fought as hard as he could

" it's your choice love. Pull the cord or wait and see but just know he is comatose... so when he wakes he could be vegetable." The doctor says stepping away from the bed

I look at Ronnie and his hand comes up and strokes my hair and he kisses my forehead. I honestly don't know if I can let my brother live as a vegetable... it's not the way to live you're basically brain dead not knowing who you are or what's going on around you.

" uhm....just pull it... living as a vegetable just isn't right.... I feel like if my brother could talk he would have cussed me alive if I let him live like that." I say to the doctor and he nods his face sad and solemn as he reaches behind Dani's bed and pulls the main breaker cord

The machines stop and the heart monitor slowly dies... just as I feel pieces of my own heart dying with him..

" I'll leave you to your goodbyes, he will be transported back to California for burial or cremation. I am so sorry for your loss miss..." the doctor says leaving the room

" oh kitten I'm so sorry... I'm sorry we couldn't save him... I'm sorry we couldn't be there... but it isn't your fault... we will make it through this I promise..." Ronnie says giving me a hug as I continue to hold Dani's limp hand wishing and praying he would wake up and then maybe I too could wake up from this horrid nightmare..

" Dani... I love you okay... never forget that, you will always have a place in my heart and I will keep Juno safe and happy, and one day we can all be reunited with one another, but until then fly happily baby brother... watch over me and Ronnie and protect us as much as you can, you may be gone but you'll never be forgotten.." I say softly as the tears fall down my cheeks

I kiss Dani's forehead and step back from the bed. I place both hands across my face and start walking out of the room, I can hear Chris's and Ronnie's voices behind me but it's like my brain is blocking them out as they are muffled and growing farther away. My body feels weak, I feel my world going black as I exit the hospital and begin walking to the car, but before I can make it my body gives out my world goes black and I know I hit the concrete with a thud.. shock adrenaline anxiety and now grief can do crazy things to your body all at once.

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