Nightmare or deja vu?

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Elliana's POV

" come to me darling." The shadow speaks to me

I'm surrounded by darkness with one big spotlight in the middle pointing straight down on me.

" I will never come with you or to you, you sick bastard!" I yell into the dark void

" it'll be so much fun, just take that one step into the darkness." The shadow says to me and I can feel my body shaking this time not with fear but with rage

" fuck you! I will gladly stay right here! I'm not playing into your little games, it's over!" I yell again spinning around trying to catch sight of the one speaking to me

" you will realize in time little mouse you should have stayed." It said again as my breathing got shaky

" and what? Ended up dead? Yeah I'd rather not I like my life. Show yourself!" I say to it curling my fists into a ball spinning around again waiting for him to make his appearance.

" you know exactly who I am. I am your worst nightmare and greatest fear. I will find you. And I will Kill you. Kill you kill you." It starts to repeat over and over like a broken Record

I begin to feel my skin being cut from every angle and I let out screams as I try to fight them off but it's not working. They're slicing through me like a hot knife cutting butter, my body dripping in blood till there's a puddle beneath my feet, and that's when I see a massive razor blade coming straight at me slicing my head clean off.

(Dream end)

"NO!!!! NO!!!!! AHHHHHHH!!!!!!" I scream jolting up and running my hands all over my body Ronnie coming to my side where I know stand in the corner

I cover my face and drop to the floor crying once again.

" babygirl it's okay, I promise it's okay... shhhhh." Ronnie says wrapping me up in his lap running his hand over my hair

" I can't... I don't want these thoughts anymore.... I thought everything was gonna be okay but Ronnie something bad will happen I can feel it I know it deep down in my bones..." I tell him shakily as I wipe the tears from my eyes

" it's just a bad dream is all kitten, I promise you're okay I'm not letting anything happen to you this time." He says to me looking deep into my eyes kissing my forehead

" w-what time is it..?" I ask him as I can see the sun is up in the sheer curtains

" 11am, I let you sleep in for a little bit while I conducted business with Jacky and Chris.." he says to me helping me off the ground

He walks to the door and ushers for me to follow and when I walk out I can see Jacky and Chris sitting at the island in the middle of the kitchen.

" well hello dear, feeling any better?" Chris asks as he stands to give me a hug but I back away, at the current moment Ronnie is really the only one I want close to me he's like my safe place

" I've been better, what's up with you guys? I thought y'all were back in California?" I ask him as I take the cup of coffee Ronnie freshly brewed for me

" Ronnie told us y'all had made it to a safe place and we decided to fly out here to be of any help. We even went and picked up a few things for you guys once we got here." Jacky said looking up from his computer for a second with a small smile waving at me

" so why did y'all come here? Isn't it better to stay in cali and keep tabs on Andy dick-sack." I say making a joke to his name hoping it'll help me cope in some way

The boys all chuckle and Ronnie comes next to me with fresh fruit setting it in front of me.

" well kitten you can always keep tabs on people who are stupid." Ronnie says with a smirk

" see?" Jacky says sliding his laptop across the counter for me to see

It's video footage of a house, I'm assuming it's Andy's new compound I can see him walking around in his office pacing angrily it seems. One of his bandits come in and Andy starts to yell at him throwing stuff against the wall.

" when was this? How did you guys-?" Chris cuts me off

" he may be dangerous but he's not all that smart when it comes to this side of things. And we did it yesterday. Jay here was able to infiltrate his new compound and set up cameras around the entire place, even put trackers on every vehicle. Then my intelligent self ran over traffic footage and found where they keep the extra cars. Broke in and attached more sets of trackers to those so we can track him at all times." Chris says showing me his own lap top of each location the cars are located

" wait. Stop. Zoom in right there." I say looking at one specific red dot.

Ronnie comes next to me and so does Chris so he can operate his computer. He zooms in on the little red dot but it's nothing but the red dot and bunch of green lines with a black screen

" can you show me the street view? Maybe a traffic Camera in that area?" I ask him my heart picking up beat

He does as I ask him to and pulls up a street camera right down the road from where I used to work and from there you can see my old apartment. No. Dani.

" fuck... oh god..." i say softly running back to the room and grabbing my phone trying to call Dani on FaceTime. He answers and I can hear him playing his video games with a few friends

" Dani?! Dani it's Elliana get out of the house now!!" I tell him frantically

" why would I do that?" He laughs over the phone shaking his head

I look back at the footage on Chris's computer and can see the familiar black SUV pulling into the parking garage.

" Dani just trust me you have to go now! Grab Juno grab your guns and get out! It's not safe!" I yell at him and he picks up the phone showing me his face

" Elliana it's fine, we're good stop tripping." He says to me and I shake my head

" Dani no! Stop being stubborn and trust your big sister! Get out!! Take the stairs not the elevator! But you have to go now please!" I yell but it's too late

" oh shit!!" I hear Dani yell and the phone goes dark

" Dani!! Daniel!!!! Answer me!!" I scream tears streaking my face

" fuck fuck FUCK!!!!" I scream slamming my phone on the counter and grabbing my hair trying not to break shit in my new home

Andy was able to get to Dani and now lord knows what he's gonna do to him. I hate how stubborn my brother is if only he would have listened to me this wouldn't have happened... now he might end up dead all because Andy is pissed he didn't get to finish whatever he started with me.

" Chris, you and Jacky fly back out to cali make sure her brother is safe if he is bring him back here and put him up in a hotel somewhere. Keep us updated." Ronnie says to the guys and they both nod grabbing their computers and running out of the penthouse.

" he's gonna be dead isn't he?" I ask looking up at Ronnie and he rubs his mouth looking around

" kitten I don't know on this one, who knows what Andy's intentions were but if he is alive he will be found just trust Chris and Jacky. They may not be able to kill Andy right now without risking dying themselves but if your brother is alive they can save him." He says to me wrapping me up in a hug and I just cry into his chest praying my brother makes it out of Andy's clutches alive.

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