Chapter 22.

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Elliana's POV

A swift smack comes across my cheek waking me from the deep slumber I was in. I'm groggy, hot, my legs and arms are numb from being in the same position for god knows how long.

" get up princessa, boss wants you to shower. Doesn't like a dirty woman. Then he will come talk to you." The Hispanic man says untying my legs and arms

My arms drop to the bed and I instantly curl into a ball, feeling my body ache from last night. As I somehow manage to get comfortable a fist grabs my hair snatching me from the bed, and my body smacking the floor with a thud.

" what the fuck!! Give a girl a minute you fucking dickhead." I scream at him and he kicks me in my ribcage ripping my air supply from me and once again grabbing my hair hoisting me in the air. A scream of pain emanates from me as my hands fly to the back of my head trying to get the man to release my hair.

Kick him, elli kick him hard in the chest, my brain thinks so I manage to muster up enough strength within me and kick him hard in the chest. He drops me and stumbles to the floor grabbing his chest. I get up and run to the window tugging on it roughly until it pops open. The man still on the floor trying to catch his breath now gets up making his way quickly to me.

I don't even look down I just jump from the window, no clothes no shoes I just run. My adrenaline pumping the dirt between my toes and bushes and low teee limbs smacking me as I run by. I look back and see I'm gaining distance but the thought is clouded by loud alarms echoing through the trees. I can see multiple men with guns running my direction as I look back again.

Fuck elli fuck. Come on legs don't fail me now. I once again say to myself pushing my body faster. I begin hearing bullets fly by me at an alarming rate ducking and diving around them. I can see a road just up ahead and begin to get happy but the happiness is ripped from me when a car stops me dead in my tracks, my body slamming into the side of it.

I fall to the ground and I hear the door open and close, Andy rips me from the ground roughly dangling me by my throat.

" that was one hell of a chase little mouse, but you won't get away that easily. Now then we are gonna go back you WILL receive severe punishment then you may take a shower so I can have my own way with you." He growls throwing my weak body into the car

He gets in the driver seat driving back to the house but he isn't gonna win. I won't let him. I take my fist and punch him as hard as I can in the jaw, he grunts but then takes his gun and whips me across the head with it, and I instantly feel blood sliding down my face.

We make it back to that dreaded house and he carries me inside and back up the stairs throwing me on the bed when we get to the room. My vision is fuzzy but I still fight to stay awake. As he ties my legs and my arms back up he also shoves another needle into my neck.

" now then little mouse, this one won't put you to sleep but it will make sure your body seems so lifeless you won't even barely be able to scream. You had better be a good girl this time or your punishment will only grow worse." He says to me leaving the room

This time three men come in. Andy whispers something to them and they all get the same evil smile Andy wears on his face. They all come over sliding their pants down and one by one they rip my raw sore and bruised pussy apart. One man did manage to shove it where the sun don't shine and I'm sure there's blood seeing as how he used no lubrication at all. They all took turns smacking me around and abusing every inch of my body, including my mouth.

Ronnie's POV

" Ron!! Ronnie wake up man!" I can feel Jacky shaking me awake and I jolt up out of bed rubbing my eyes for a quick moment

" what? What Jacky? Did you all find her?" I ask him lighting a cigarette and running my hands through my now short hair

" got one better for you. We located Dominic's family. " he says and I smirk knowing what he's playing at

" give me a location. I'll bring that motherfucker out of hiding and get the answers I want." I say to him standing and sliding on my clothes grabbing a duffle bag of guns and walking down stairs

" his wife Rosa, they have 2 kids. The kids are away right now so it's just her and their dog at home. " he says following me at the door

" Dominic is on his way home y'all have to hurry!!" Chris says getting into the back seat

I peel off from the house beginning my journey to Dominic's wife's house. You take something from me Mr Dominic I'll take something from you.

After a little while of driving I make it to Dominic's house and sit outside waiting for the sun to set. As the darkness grows I exit my vehicle and walk up to the door tapping enough for the woman inside to hear.

" Dominic isn't here right now I'm sorry." She says her Hispanic accent very thick and I give her a smile

" oh I'm not here for him. I'm here for you, and you will call him back home." I say to her forcing myself inside her home

I tie her up to the chair and hold a gun to the back of her head. She tells me how to contact Dominic and I have her call him.

" dom. Baby it's one of the kids. You need to come home now." She says tears flowing down her cheeks

" I'm working. Have your sister do it." He says and I can hear him grunting on the phone no doubt he's definitely got his filthy cock shoved in my sweet kitten and that enraged me

" No! There's been an accident! Stop playing games and come home!" She yells at him through the phone

He lets out a loud grunt. He finished. Then sighed over the phone

" alright alright I'm on my way. Be there shortly." He says and hangs up the phone

" please sir please I have money if that's what you want just don't kill me..." she begs and I step in front of her crouching down to her level

" dear woman I don't want your illegal money. I want something back that was taken from me, and your husband is the closest one to it seeing as how he just got done shoving his dick inside of it." I say to her and her eyes widen I assume she didn't know exactly what her husband does but if she didn't before she does now.

Elliana's POV

The men leave, the Hispanic man got a call from his wife begging him to come home and I couldn't have thanked her perfect timing enough. My body felt brittle and weak, I don't know what day it is or even what time all I know is I'm starving, I desperately want a shower and I want to sleep even if it isn't the best sleep.

" hello little mouse. Have fun?" Andy asks walking back in smoking a cigarette with an evil smile on his face I ignore him which leads him to chuckle

" you know I saw you first. And when we had actually met I didn't know before that meeting  just how special you really were, until Ronnie came along and napped you. I saw him change. I saw his heart and soul becoming softer. I saw him becoming happy and at peace and ya know, nobody can really never be at peace." He says sitting on the bed next to my and I flinch away slightly

" just because your life is shit and you don't actually know how to treat a girl doesn't mean you get to make everyone's life shit. You killed the fucking girl get over it." I spit at him and he punches me in my chest causing the air that once filled my lungs to come rushing out.

" I didn't do shit!" He yells grabbing me by my throat not letting me catch my breath

" you lost control didn't you? Didn't like what seline had to say? Did she moan out Ronnie's name because he's better than you, and that enraged you because you wanted her for yourself? You see Andy I see through you like a crystal window. You're a weak man. Pussy ass little bitch boy who never got his way and couldn't just be okay with what he had." I say spitting venom with every word his face turning red and gripping me tighter now

" shut up. Shut up. Shut up! You know nothing you stupid little bitch! " he screams and I smile at him

" your world is gonna be fucked you know that? As soon as Ronnie finds me he's gonna burn you and your whole little operation to the fucking ground. The way he sees me is nothing like seline. Watch your back Andy, black clouds are coming and you know it." I say to him giggling manically and in this moment I think I've actually lost my mind 

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