Chapter 24.

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Elliana's POV

Ronnie loaded me into the front seat and clicked on the heat as my body was shaking from the cold shower, as well as shock and adrenaline. He kisses my forehead and goes to his side of the car getting in. I can't believe this is actually happening, I don't know what day it is or how long I was stuck with Andy for maybe 3 days tops? I don't know but what I do know is those few days are enough to traumatize someone.

" Ronnie, ronnie come in." I hear over a radio in the cup holder Ronnie picks it up and clicks the button

" yeah Chris I'm here what's up?" He asked as we continued down the road

" it's Andy, he ain't dead. The motherfucker had one of his men in hiding and now I'm the one shot. I'm so sorry Ron.." Chris says through the speaker

Ronnie slams the radio back into the cup holder and grips the steering wheel so hard I could've sworn I heard it crack.

" Ronnie.... He's gonna come back isn't he?" I ask softly more tears swelling in my eyes I wish I could stop crying but with everything that's happened I can't help BUT to cry...

" I don't know kitten. All I know is I have you now. I don't know what Andy's gonna do now, he's probably more mad than a murderer whose culprit didn't die." He says lowly reaching over to rest his hand on my thigh but my body betrays me and I flinch away

I know he won't hurt me and he's trying to comfort me but I honestly don't want anyone touching me right now especially after finally realizing just how many men mutilated me. 

" I'm sorry..." I say softly curling up in the front seat hugging the towel closer to my body

" was it really severe in there?" He asks me and I stay silent for a moment

" I don't want to talk about it right now..." I say to him facing the opposite way

I would give anything to be in his arms like I just was when he saved me but that was just a in the moment kinda thing, like when a knight in shining armor saves the princess from the tower but then when she realizes what really happened she's different for a little while.

" are you hungry?" He asks me glancing over at me for a second then back to the road

" yes... very..." I say to him shivering once more.

" you do know we are leaving LA right?" He says and I instantly turn to him

" what?! No! My whole life is here! I can't move away!!" I yell at him my heart breaking with every word

" listen Elliana no matter where we go in this city Andy will find us. At least if we get out while we can you will be safe.." he says to me but my heart breaks thinking about leaving behind my brother and the life I knew for some long...

" but... my brother... " I say softly the tears now falling silently

" he will be fine kitten.. he won't be hurt. Look I will allow you to call him. Explain everything, but if he betrays you and goes to the cops about what happened the night I took you he will end up dead I just want you to know that. I meant it when I said you're mine so now's the decision babygirl, come with me and be safe and protected or stay with your brother where Andy can get you and this time it won't be torture he will find to kill." He says pulling into a small little diner and grabbing a duffle bag from the back seat

I think long and hard for a moment... he's right though if I stay here it's only certain death waiting for me... and me being alive living in another state would be better than my brother having to bury me. I look over at Ronnie as he pulls out a brush a pair of underwear a pair of black leggings and an oversized t shirt which I assume is one of his and sets them on the center console. He looks over at me our eyes meeting and I feel that instant spark I have always felt but denied for so long. He tries to place his hand softly on my cheek but I again flinch away looking down at my goosebump covered legs

" I'll go with you. But you promise to let me call my brother?" I say looking down at first but then back into those gorgeous eyes

" I promise kitten. Anything for you." He says with a small smile gosh how I missed that smile

I nod my head and he pulls into the darkness so I can slide on the clothes he packed for me. I brush out my hair throwing it into a high ponytail. He grabs my black doc martins from the back seat handing them to me and I slid them on. He steps out of the car and comes around to my side letting me out.

He doesn't touch me but he stays close enough to where if my body once again betrays me and I fall over he can catch me. We enter the small diner and take a seat near the back. There's silence between us for a moment and he reaches slowly across the table playing with my fingers, which I allow him to do.

" you don't have to open up any time soon about what happened babygirl.. I just want you to be okay... I want to be able to hold you and kiss you I don't want you to be scared forever.." he says softly looking into my eyes

" I know.. and I won't be I just need some time... a lot happened there just in a short period and I myself haven't even come to grips with it.." I say looking out the window as I now see little droplets of rain on it

The waiter comes over and takes our order and I order a nice breakfast plate with all the fixings on it. Ronnie chuckles a little when the waiter couldn't believe I was so hungry but when a girl hasn't eaten since I don't know when imma eat.

" how bad do I look?" I ask him just letting the words flow from my mouth

" well, you're still gorgeous to me but you do have multiple bruises and lacerations, and the cuts on your chest and stomach will scar... but that doesn't change the way I see you kitten, I still want AND need you just as badly as I did before.." he says our fingers still fumbling back and forth with eachother

" so where to?" I ask him sighing looking out the window again

" anywhere you wanna go kitten, as long as I'm with you I don't care." He says and for the first time in what feels like forever I give him a small smile

It will take time to heal that's for sure, but I know I can over come this especially with the help of Ronnie but I don't know if I'll be as quick to fall back into his wild pleasures, that may take some time obviously, but right here right now Ronnie is the man I want and the man I still am head over heels for, there I said it.

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