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Elliana's POV

Ronnie came running through the sliding glass door and grabbed me taking me back inside. My screams filling the room.

" Ronnie it was him! I swear it was him!" I yell out gripping onto the bed as he walked back over and looked over the balcony.

" kitten there's nothing there I promise, are you sure it's not just your mind playing tricks on you?" He said coming to sit down beside me

" no... no I swear! It was Andy I know it!" I yelled again and he sighed standing up

" babygirl, there's no way it could have been him, we got out before he could possibly do any tracking, here." He says walking to his duffle bag and pulling out a bottle and grabbing a small white pill from it and bringing it to me with a bottle of water

" no. I don't want it.." I tell him shaking my head I've had way too many drugs pumped into me over the course of the month and a half I've been taken.

" it'll help you sleep and it's nothing too serious it'll just keep the nightmares at bay so you can rest before we get on the road in the morning." He said to me sitting down next to me

" fine..." I say softly sniffling a little and taking the pill washing it down with the water

I laid back in bed and he cut the lights off coming in bed next to me. I rolled over away from him and curled up as tightly as I could in the soft blankets. I want him around me I do but right now I know it would only back fire. My cheeks are wet as tears still fall yet there's no emotion behind them, just hopelessly falling tears...

Ronnie's POV

God this is hard. I understand it's been rough on her but I would do anything to be wrapped up with her right now. He body is still as I lay next to her in the bed, rain and thunder still going on outside. As I lay there watching the shitty news channel that's on tv I can't help but think about what she may have saw beyond the balcony. She said it was Andy but honestly there's no way it could have been him.

We got out of cali before he could even think about putting a location on us, plus the simple fact he had bigger problems seeing as how majority of his men died back at his compound. We have to move quickly tomorrow, get to Vegas and try our best to leave this all behind.

I will stand by her day in and day out until she heals but even then how can someone ever fully heal from what she was put through, images will be burned inside her pretty head probably until death, and I only know this because I still to this day see my ex laying there mangled and torn apart like her body had been cut up and partly put through a lumber cutter.

No there's no feelings behind it and no I don't really miss her anymore it's just when your brain is re programmed with something like that you'll never forget it no matter how hard you try, but you can move on from it.

I roll over in bed towards her but still keeping my distance, her body moving up and down with every breath. Her familiar smell of coconut and roses fill my senses and I feel at peace again. I may not be able to wrap her up in my arms and let her bury her head into my chest right now but in this moment it's enough knowing she's here with me.

Elliana's POV

I wake up to a loud crash of thunder that startled me awake. I rub my eyes and see it's still coming down just as hard as last night. I look to my side and see Ronnie sleeping peacefully underneath the covers his short hair just barely covering his eyes. I sigh and stand from the bed my body feels groggy and limp, seeing as that was the first night of comfortable sleep I've gotten.

I pick up my phone checking the time, 9am. Not too bad. I decided to go ahead and put Dani's number in my phone but something inside me is telling me not to message him, as if it's wrong that I do, weird I know.

I shake my head and set my phone back down and decide I'm going to order us some breakfast before we leave, I'm sure Ronnie wouldn't be opposed to that, so I grab the hotel phone and put in an order for some waffles, eggs, lots of bacon, and a nice fruit bowl with coffee to drink. Oh how I miss coffee, it used to be an everyday ritual for me almost.

After I put the order in I walk over to the other duffle bag opening it and finding majority of my clothes from Ronnie's home in it along with my make up and straightener. He really thought of everything before coming to my rescue which is down right crazy to me but I guess he just wanted to make sure I had everything I needed. I grab my outfit for the day and make up and go into the bathroom so I don't disturb him sleeping.

I slide on my black skinny jeans and a white crop top. I add my black cropped zip up jacket over it, then apply some make up to my face to cover some of the bruising, I tie my hair into a messy bun leaving two strands in the front pulled out then spray my perfume he so graciously packed for me and walk out of the bathroom. Ronnie is awake and he stands at the table opening the plates of food.

" goodmorning kitten, you look beautiful as always." He says with a smile coming to me and grabbing my hand kissing it softly

His lips on my hand send familiar shivers down my spine, and I give him a small smile putting my things back into my duffle bag

" thank you, you look just as good yourself sir." I tell him and he smirks biting his bottom lip slightly

" you order all of this?" He asks walking back to the table and sitting down as I take a seat infront of him pouring the coffee into a little mug

" well I figured we have a long drive ahead of us we mind as well eat something before that journey." I said taking a bite of bacon and cutting up my waffles

" well I must say that was very darling of you because it looks fantastic, thank you" he says to me and I can't help but think is Ronnie Radke really showing me his softer side? I guess it's only till I act up or give him an attitude he doesn't like, which isn't always a bad thing.

We finish up eating and make sure we have everything packed up and head to the elevators to go down to the car. Once on the main floor he sets our things down and runs out to the car bringing it to the front entrance and coming back in

" I'd rather us not get sopping wet before getting into the car, that wouldn't be very comfortable." He chuckles picking up our things and I follow him to the car

We get in and set off for Vegas. I've never been before so I can only imagine what it's like, I've heard stories of it being a bright city, lots of casinos and clubs, but all things always go bump in the night.

Predator and the prey Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя