Chapter 35

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Elliana's POV


Ronnie and I decided to move out of the city to stay safe and he got us a house on the outskirts of Vegas, it's quite beautiful actually and may I add peaceful. Juno is still with us, he loves his big backyard to play in and the pool that Ronnie so graciously had put in for us. Alex Jacky and Chris all do live with us now as we have the space to accommodate and I'm not complaining it helps me out a lot.

My stomach has grown and I now feel like a basket ball, Ronnie is loving every bit of it though, always touching and talking to my belly feelings the kicks, oh and may I add we had a beautiful baby shower, it wasn't anything extravagant as it's just the 5 of us and well Juno, but Juno got to be the one to announce our precious baby girl that will be born in just 3 short months. I've gotten better with the whole nightmare things from my past and am healing from it everyday, Andy has shown signs of showing at all which is good, I'm hopping he did get word that I was pregnant and has left us alone, but it scares me to give birth and be vulnerable again but I have many protectors around me.

" kitten!! Come down stairs please! I have something for you!" I can hear Ronnie yell for me as I finish slipping on a pair of black leggings and a black sports bra and brushing my long wet dark hair into a tight ponytail

I walk, well slightly waddle down the stairs and see him standing in our kitchen with a bouquet of beautiful assorted flowers.

" Awhh Ronnie baby, you didn't have to do all that, we have beautiful flowers outside." I say laughing slightly and resting my hand on my belly

" I saw them at the store while I was out with Alex and Jacky and couldnt help it they reminded me so much of you." He said to me giving me a kiss

" well thank you, oh did you get your package I had sent for you?" I ask him and he nods with a smile as I cut open the plastic from my flowers and a piece of paper slips out.

I open it reading carefully:
Elliana, my kitten, my love, my soul, and my life, make the rest of my life happy and say yes to loving me for eternity.

I furrow my brows and when I look up from the note I see Ronnie down on one knee holding a beautiful and big may I add diamond ring out for me.

" Elliana, will you be my beautiful wife?" He asks me and my hands shoot up to my mouth and a muffled squeal tries to break free.

" yes Ronnie yes!!!" I tell him jumping up and down as he slides the ring on my finger and he hugs me tightly giving me millions of kisses

" you hear that little one! Mommy said yes! See I told you she would." He says bending down placing both hands on my belly and kissing it all over

" oh shush you didn't tell her you'd do all this." I say playfully rolling my eyes as he stands up with a smile

" I did, when you were passed out beyond belief after your walk last week with Juno. " he says and I scoff giving him a kiss

I place my flowers in a vase and set it on the kitchen island and just as I turn I can hear yelling coming from the back door and a sopping wet Juno running through the house

" sorry Guys! He jumped in the pool- get back here Juno! And well darted for inside." Alex says trying to capture Juno

Chris follows suit as the try to block him off but Juno is smart and jumps swiftly from the couch and runs to me hiding behind me.

" you silly boy. Come. let's get dried off." I say shaking my head looking at him

We all head back outside and the wonderful smell of the grill is floating around the air. Chris and Alex take a seat at the table while I lay out a towel for Juno to lay on in the sun. Chris comes back over with steaks and grilled veggies setting them in the middle for everyone. Ronnie had grabbed a bottle of scotch for the boys and a big lovely glass of lemon water for me.

" so he popped the question huh?" Alex asks me and yes if you're curious Alex and I have made friends with eachother

He explained to me everything and well also proved himself to me. It did take time but I soon saw he was really gonna stick around for the better and he wasn't all such a bad guy after all. He's been super sweet helping around the house and helping Ronnie and I put up things for our daughter Alessia

" yeah he did." I smile like a dim wit looking down at the ring watching it shine in the sunlight

Jacky sits down as well as Chris and Juno finds his spot next to me at the table. He's been very clingy this whole pregnancy, some nights Ronnie doesn't even get to cuddle with me because Juno has already claimed his space and well Ronnie has told me we look too cute curled up together so he doesn't want to disrupt our sleep.

We all bow our heads and join hands as recently we've been praying before dinner. It's all really helped us honestly, giving all of us something else to believe in other than the terrible things that happen in this world. Cheesy as fuck I know.

" dear lord, please keep our group safe and watch over us from above. We appreciate the good things you have brought us recently and bringing us together as one. Please keep Elliana safe as well as our main man Ronnie, and their little blessing Alessia rose radke. In the name of the Holy Spirit amen." Chris finishes and we begin eating

You know life turned out to be really good, and I can't help but think of what my brother sees from up above. I hope he's happy for me and watching over me and my new built family. He would have been a wonderful uncle to sweet alessi ( her nickname) and I would have even let him stay with me here in Vegas I think he would've loved it.

Life is a wild ride but I'm glad I have Ronnie and our rag tag team of what we would like to call our crazy wild brothers. Life really couldn't get any better than this.

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