Oh brother.

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Elliana's POV

We finished up at the diner and Ronnie had told me he change his mind about letting me call my brother and decided to take me to my old apartment before we left town. As we neared closer to the place I once called home my anxiety picked up and I tried thinking of the things I was gonna say to him.

" I'm coming up with you." Ronnie says as we pulled into the familiar parking garage

" I don't know if that's a good idea... there's weapons in the house Ronnie something could happen." I say looking at him and unbuckling my belt as he parked the car

" kitten that doesn't scare me, I have weapons too remember." He said chuckling slightly and getting out then letting me out

My knees feel wobbly and my body is a nervous wreck. We go into the elevator and I hit my floor and the elevator springs up... I don't know what's about to happen things will most likely go sideways but that's to be expected when I'm about to inform my brother I'm moving states with the man who infamously kidnapped me.

We step out of the elevator and walk down the hall, standing infront of my old door. I give a loud knock and can hear Juno scratching through the door. Tears brim my eyes and I bite my lip trying to keep them at bay. The door swings open and my brother stands there his mouth open looking between Ronnie and myself.

" oh my fucking god.... Elli... it's-it's you!" He says wrapping me in a hug but I break the hug still not comfortable with affection in the current moment

" wait, this is the creep. You fucking kidnapped her! Has she been with you this whole time?! Wait why the fuck is she covered in bruises?! I swear-" dani rambles out lunging at Ronnie but Ronnie quickly advances and grabs Dani's arm folding it behind his back and pushing him hard against the wall

" stop!! Both of you!! Dani we need to talk." I say brutally with a sigh as Dani tries to break free

" I'll kill him Elliana I swear to god if he's the reason you look like that I'll fucking kill him!" My brother screamed

" no Dani he didn't!! Look let's just go inside and talk calmly please it's urgent we have to do this quickly." I say placing my hand on Ronnie's bicep and he lets go of Dani shoving him inside

" and for your information you wouldn't be able to kill me even if you tried kid. So chill out and let your sister here talk." Ronnie says to Dani

Dani fixes his shirt and folds his arms, Juno comes running up to me and Ronnie and I bend down petting him and give him a few kisses before making my way to the couch and taking a seat. Ronnie sits next to me and Juno comes over resting his head on Ronnie's knee, awh how sweet. Dani stands up across from us watching Juno carefully because he knows Juno doesn't do this with just anybody.

" uhm, where do I begin.... I don't know how long it's been... for starters.. don't even know the date or month really..." I start out looking around the familiar apartment

" it's been a month and a half elli... it's July 2nd. " Dani says taking a seat keeping his eyes on Ronnie

" okay thank you for that. Uhm... listen yes Ronnie here kidnapped me. And yes it was a hard first few days with him but he's shown me that it's just wild pleasures...." I start out and Dani's eyes go wide

" have you been fucking raping her?" Dani says a little to calmly

" I wouldn't call it rape. I mean she did beg for it." Ronnie says smirking and I could tell that enraged my brother

" boys stop. Listen Ronnie has been good to me okay Dani? After the first week I slowly realized that Ronnie is a good man, he wants to protect me and keep me safe." I say to Dani and he scoffs shaking his head

" don't tell me you're fucking in love with him Elliana." He says roughly his knuckles turning white

" I am Dani, and I'm also a grown woman. I can decide for myself and before you ask no he didn't manipulate me to feel like this these are my own feelings." I tell him looking down for a moment my leg starting to bounce up and down.

Ronnie places his hand on my thigh as a few tears fall from my eyes. I look up sniffling a little and Juno comes over between my legs now resting his head on me, trying to comfort me. Such a good boy..

" fucking hell elli." My brother says putting his head in his hands

" listen Dani! Look at very very bad man took me from Ronnie and did these horrible things to me 3-4 days ago. Ronnie and his friends came and saved me but it's not safe here in LA for me anymore. The man was supposed to be dead but it failed. I'm sorry Dani I'm leaving LA with Ronnie..." I ramble out and my brother instantly stands up throwing the glass case across the room and I stand from the couch backing away slowly and Ronnie stands up just as quick as I do

" are you fucking kidding me?!?!  You're not leaving with him elli!! This is your home I will keep you safe." Dani says advancing towards me quickly grabbing my arms shaking me slightly tears now in his eyes

" I'm sorry but I have to go. This man is dangerous he will kill you daniel I'm sorry..." I say shaking my head crying hard

" no!! No!! I'm not fucking letting you!" Dani says squeezing tighter and I try to pry his grip from my arms

" Dani you're hurting me please... let go.." I say to him but Ronnie steps in grabbing the back of Dani's shirt and throwing him to the floor.

He places both legs on each side of Dani but still standing up looking down on him.

" didn't she just fucking say she was hurt? And you want to advance her like that?! You're lucky I don't kill you myself kid. Control your fucking self it's your god damn sister. Now then no more talking she's coming with me where she's safe, and you're just gonna have to live with that." Ronnie spits out and Dani and Dani adverts his eyes to me where I now stand my arms folded over my chest

" fine. Fine! Whatever." Dani says and Ronnie lets him stand

" get her a god damn cellphone so she can contact me. That's the least you as a man can fucking do. And get her some kinda dog. It helps her depression and anxiety on the really bad days I'm sure you have yet to see. Other than that you better keep your fucking promise on keeping her safe." Dani says walking away to the door opening it

We make our way to the door not another word spoken.

" call me when you get to where you're going. I love you sis.." he says taking his hand and blowing a kiss

" I love you Dani..." I say to him softly as he shuts the door

Ronnie and I make our way down to the parking garage and once in the car I break down. Completely loose it. My anxiety taking over making my body shake and Trimble. My breathing picks up and I try to take deep breaths trying to calm down.

" kitten it's okay. That went better than expected. Look let's just drive and see where it takes us okay? We will get a hotel somewhere out of California but we have to get out first." Ronnie says placing his hand on my thigh and I don't flinch I find it rather comforting in this time of disarray

My heart is broken leaving behind a life I once knew so well, but it's not safe here anymore Andy will find me and kill Ronnie and myself on the spot no hesitation so this is the right thing to do. Ronnie pulls away in silence and we begin to drive away to find a safer home.

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