Chapter 13.

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Ronnie's POV

I've done some pretty fucked up shit in my life, honestly I have, but the fact my closest friend would even think about doing that to her is just beyond me. I'm fueled with rage and anger, and if it wasn't for Elliana stopping me I would have killed Andy.

We arrive back home and Elliana is completely knocked out, this is gonna be hard trying to counteract the drugs Andy gave her not knowing how she feels. I carry her inside the house and up to the room laying her down on the bed. I run into the bathroom and look through different vials of meds I have.

My body starts to shake and not because I'm scared it's from the literal fact I couldn't kill a man who harmed my kitten. As I find a vial that's mixed with a few different things that might counteract the drugs I hear a blood curdling scream come from the room. I run out at over to Elliana her eyes still closed and she's tearing across the bed.

" kitten! Elliana! It's me shhhh it's me!" I yell over her screams normally her screams would bring me pleasure but these just hurt my soul my inner being.

" Ronnie!! Please help I'm on fire!!" She says her eyes flashing open and trying to rip her dress off

" Elliana you're not on fire! Come here!" I say advancing across the room where she stands by the window ripping her dress off

I grab her arms firmly hoping to stop her fighting with her own self only to get fought back on.

" get off of me! Let me go!! Ronnie!!!! Please help me!!!" She says and my mind is instantly confused as I'm literally standing here holding her as she's scratching punching and biting me trying to get away as if I'm some monster.

Wait a second. Psychedelics. That's exactly what this is, a trip gone bad, And in her intoxicated tripped out mind I could be a 6'5 monster trying to rip her apart, fuck me thanks Andy. I sigh shaking my head if she sees me as something bad I won't be able to help her she will continue to think I'm whatever her brain is picturing

" Ronnie!!! Please where are you!!" She screams tears cascading down her beautiful face as her body starts to fall to the ground.

I tie my hair back into a bun and slip my shirt off. Maybe if seeing my face scares her maybe the feeling of my skin the warmth will bring her back to reality. I grab her naked body getting on the floor with her and wrapping her body tightly to my chest. She fights a little more then finally focused on my heart beat, the feeling of her skin on mine. Her scared whimpers fill the room and my heart breaks.

" kitten can you hear me... it's Ronnie, you're safe at home." I say to her softly my voice deep and steady

I don't get a response, but her body goes very still and her breathing calms, probably got sucked back into the sleep pattern she was in so I take this chance and lift her onto the bed. I tie off her arm right above her vein and plunge the syringe of medicine into her. I give it a moment and watch her closely as I remove the needle and tie. Her pulse is back regulated and her body isn't as warm as it once was.

I sigh standing up and walking over to the chair lighting a cigarette and watching her peaceful state.  This isn't over, I now know for a fact Andy won't stop here. He did it once, and he will not do it to her.

We were teenagers when he did it the first time. My first love. He was jealous and wanted her for himself so even as teenagers he dabbled in darker things than I ever thought about doing. I was out of town. She was home alone. He took her. Tortured her beyond anything anybody could have imagined. When I got back and found her body, it looked like a tiger had ripped her apart.

Andy told the cops it was his self defense but even then they didn't believe him but only let him walk with 3 yrs of prison time under his belt. It should have been LIFE then DEATH for him but the system is fucked. He never did it again, that or he toned it down got better and doing it so he couldn't kill the woman he chose. I can only imagine how many have fallen victim to him. We stopped talking for many many years but we started talking again because of Elliana.

He saw her first, one night when him and his boys went out. Described her to me, told me everything. When I had finally seen her I knew I couldn't let Andy get to her first. She was a treasure that needed to be kept safe so I took her knowing she was in danger and yes I understand some of the things I've done to her are fucked up but I look at it as being similar to some 50 shades of grey type shit.

" r-Ronnie...." I hear her sweet soft voice say and I instantly stand going to her side of the bed and sitting next to her

" I'm here kitten I'm here." I say to her running my fingers through her hair

Her eyes open then instantly widen when she sees what she had done to me.

" oh my god... what happened...?" She says tracing over the marks

" bad trip. Do you remember anything at all?" I ask her as she sits up bringing her knees to her chest

" n-no.. last thing I remember if you beating the shit out of your friend and you putting me in the car..." she says softly

" Andy drugged you. Probably was planning on taking you when I wasn't looking. The man's dangerous and I thought he stopped all these tendencies but he hasn't. This isn't over kitten. He will be back." I say to her looking into her eyes as a few tears stream down.

" I never wanted any of this... I enjoyed my life. With my family and working just living life and now look at it. I was kidnapped by a tall dark and handsome man, slowly falling in love even though it's hard to trust and now I have to watch my back for another predator?? When will it end?" She cries and my heart skips a beat hearing her say that but also breaks feeling bad that I ripped her from her life but there's no going back.

" I'm sorry kitten.. Trust me when I say this I will be the only one kidnapping you, the only one holding you hostage and falling just as much in love. And if andy does succeed I will be at your rescue and he will die a very slow and painful death." I say grabbing her face and looking into her red eyes

" are you going to keep hurting me? Making me run away?" She asks grabbing my hand that's placed on her cheek

" kitten if you wanna run you would have still been trying. And I told you one day the things that bring me pleasure will also bring you pleasure plus I only ever punish you when you run that pretty little mouth." I say to her smirking and she hides the smile that forms on her lips cause she knows I'm right

I take my shoes and pants off and crawl in bed next to her, pulling her body closely to mine. I will do anything and everything to keep her safe. But that doesn't mean Andy won't have tricks up his sleeve.

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