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Elliana's POV

My body hits the ground hard knocking the wind out of me. I cough a little and look up as I see him making his way to me. I quickly scurry to my feet and dive for his thigh slicing right through. He shouts again with a grunt, as he's bending down grabbing his leg I take this as my opportunity to run. I run through the trees hearing him shout after me. The trees grow more and more thick, twigs, branches, and leaves crunch beneath my feet.

My chest starts to tighten and I'm trying my best to keep running but I must figure out a way out of this, I have to try. I keep running adrenaline coursing through my veins as I pant heavily trying to run through the trees. I take a second to stop and catch my breath behind a tree still able to hear his voice echo through the Forrest.

" you'll regret this kitten! Mind as well come out now and face me!" He hollers and my body shivers thinking of what he's going to do to me if he catches me

I peer around the tree and I can see him about half a football field from where I stand, I look around again and I can see the outline of the 50ft concrete fence he was talking about. There's absolutely no fucking way I'm hopping over that, obviously. I take my chances and run towards the fence, well more like a barricade. And I follow it all the way down nearing the front of the house. I see a huge gate and run as quickly as I can to it, but before I reach it I feel something shoot me in the back.

I let out a scream and my body hits the ground with a thud. I reach around and feel a long syringe sticking from my back. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. I was so close to the gate the leads out, but now looking at it I see it's covered top to bottom in barb wire and has electric shock fencing wrapped around each pole. Well  even if I did make it to the gate I'd have to cut myself alive or risk getting electrocuted with god knows how many volts.

I hear his foot steps get closer and I try to crawl to get the knife that flew from my hands when I was knocked off my feet.

" oh kitten.." he says clicking his tongue

I turn to look up at him and he grabs a fistful of my hair lifting me to the ground. I let out a slight scream grabbing the back of his hand that's laced in my hair, as I try to kick my legs I realize they're not moving. What the fuck did this man just shoot me with? Some kinda paralyzer or some shit?

" I was trying to be nice and let you get some fresh air. Feel the sunshine, but no you just had to ruin it, now I'm Covered in blood and well you'll be paralyzed for a few hours. " he said scooping my legs up holding me in bridal position and carry me back to the house.

I couldn't have fucked that up any worse. I had one shot and of course I misjudged my shot and missed he could have been dead if I stabbed him in the neck, but nooo he just has to be 6 ft 5 of pure fucking beast.

" what did you shoot me with?" I ask him still trying to move my legs but it's really no use

" same thing they give pregnant women when they give birth, this stuff is just stronger and starts working the moment the medicine is injected." He says short and I know he's pissed. God Elliana what have you just gotten yourself in to, stupid stupid girl, I think to myself.

" great.. you said a few hours, how long is a few hours?" I ask him but he doesn't answer just keeps walking

We get closer to the house and my heart starts racing, thinking of what he's planning to do to me. We make it inside and he carries me upstairs back to the same room I have been in and tosses me roughly on the bed. A squeal leaves my lips at I hit the soft mattress, seeing my legs limp. He walks over to me and grabs my throat hard shoving me back into the bed, I lay there still as can be not wanting to cause more shit to backfire.

He ties the silk straps back around my wrists and grabs my throat forcing me to look into his eyes, our faces inches apart, his smell filling my senses, and I'd honestly be lying if I said his bourbon and teakwood smell didn't smell wonderful.

" now then my sweet kitten. I am going to go take care of the cuts you so beautifully sliced into me, then I will come back and take care of your punishment for your stupid little attempt." He says looking from my lips watching me slightly gasp for air then back up to my eyes

"P-please Ronnie I-im s-sorry..." I manage to get out as I feel the air once again being ripped from me, my neck sore from all the other times he gripped it last night

" oh how I love to hear you beg, especially when my name rolls out of that beautiful mouth of yours." He says low with a smirk staying close to my face but his hands rests on my chest feeling my heart race under his touch, only he doesn't know it's racing from fear and adrenaline.

He stands and leaves the room and I'm once again alone, this time paralyzed unable to move, I'm just glad it won't last long, but since I can't fight back or try to get away this is going to royally suck.

It's been about an hour since he left me to my own vices, I only know that because I finally noticed a medium sized gold clock hanging on the wall by the bathroom door. I can only imagine what he's planning or if he's even still in the house. Maybe he's gonna drug me and rape me half to death, but then again he said it's pleasure to his ears so I know for sure he'd never fuck me unconsciously.

I'm torn from my thoughts to him swinging the door open, he's holding a long Black rope in his hands. He doesn't say anything doesn't even look in my direction instead he goes to the dresser once again grabbing and lighting the candle, at least this time I know what's coming from that so I can prepare myself. Then he grabs another whip with tassels on it but these tassels are thinner and more of them which means the stinging pain will be 10x worse.

" hello kitten, are you ready for some fun?" He asks me standing at the end of the bed by my feet

" I'll never be ready for your kind of fun." I say plainly not looking at him instead I look out the window imagining if I could a bird and fly over the concrete walls and escape his clutches.

" oh but see you're wrong. One day you'll be begging me for more, aching for it." He says now smirking

" yeah fucking right. Keep dreaming buddy." I say with a smart ass tone and before I can even think another thought he swings the whip cracking it over my stomach

He comes over and grabs my face forcing me to look him in his eyes, he licks his lips and takes his bottom one between his teeth slightly.

" keep up with that smartass tone of yours and it'll be more than just this little whip coming down on you kitten." He says and my body shudders with the thought.

He unties my wrists and grabs the rope flipping me over in one swift movement. He spreads my legs and pushes my feet to my ass holding me there as he ties my hands to my ankles. I hear him open his knife behind me and next thing I know he's ripping the dress clean open exposing my back and ass, he never laid out underwear for me earlier after my shower so well as you know that's already exposed.

I can hear my heart beat, beating in my ears from not being able to see what's he's doing and when he's doing it. All of a sudden I feel the hot wax burning my back and I let out a surprised scream not being able to contain it. I try to wiggle from the rope but this shit is tied tighter than how a hog ever thought about being tied up, and the fact I can only move my upper half.

He then cracks the whip across my back as he pours more wax over me, the hot wax flying everywhere stinging and burning different parts of the back of me.

" p-please stop!" I cry out in pain tears swelling up in my eyes just begging to fall

" we just got started kitten now shhhh and just relax, trust me it'll hurt less." He says calming but it's anything BUT calm.

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