When the sun goes down.

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Elliana's POV

Ronnie and I had left the house for a little bit as we were both pretty hungry so we stopped at a nice little burger joint. Not much was said during that time and it kinda worried me, even though I really shouldn't give a damn.

" wanna stay out for a bit?" Ronnie all of a sudden says which causes my heart to race

" what do you mean? I figured we were going back home so you can continue to keep me hostage." I say to him maybe a little more harsh than I should have but hey I'm still upset at the fact the only way we are gonna handle this Andy situation is if Andy is killed.

" I'm not holding you hostage. Over the course of the last week kitten you could have run. You could have killed me in any way, most likely in my sleep cause I see things before they come to me. But you're not hostage kitten." He says to me gripping the steering wheel slightly

" so what if I jump out of this moving car and make a run for it, you won't try to catch me?" I ask him folding my arms

" well seeing as how we're going 80mph right now I don't think you'd be dumb enough to do that. Might end up dead before you could even get up to run babygirl." He said chuckling throwing his sarcastic remarks right back at me

Fuck I hate being like this one second I'm falling in love the other second I'm raking my brain for ways to get out, but as I've said before even if I did get out would I have really wanted to leave in the first place? Would I miss Ronnie?

" what did you do with my purse the night you took me?" I blurt out unable to control the thought

" destroyed your phone. Put the money in a safe, with your wallet and car keys, had your car towed off to a lot outside of town." He says and I slouch back in my seat looking out the window

Well there goes that plan of trying to get to my phone and calling my brother. But even if I did contact Dani he still wouldn't stand a chance against Ronnie, he would crush Dani in a matter of seconds. The car ride falls silent again, I'm looking out my window watching the sun creep behind the trees and set slowly. I notice a black car behind us, an SUV specifically.

" Ronnie..?" I ask him and he hums a little

" you see what I see?" I ask him not making any sudden movements

" yes kitten I've seen it. Been following us for 10 minutes now." He says turning down a long winding road with nothing but trees on each side

My heart rate picks up and my breathing is becoming heavier. I don't like the feeling this is giving me. It's eerie and doesn't feel right at all.

" hang on." Ronnie says as he pushes the pedal to the floor going nearly 100mph

As he takes on the curve in the road I grip onto the door and I feel my body tense up and flinch. I look behind us and the car is hot on our trail. Ronnie takes his eyes off the road for a second and reaches into the center console pulling out a gun.

" grab the rounds from the glove compartment. Load it and get it ready." He says handing me the gun thankfully my brother and I had a small assortment of guns so I know what I'm doing.

I release the clip from the gun and load it with the bullets from the glove compartment. Ronnie takes another sharp curve in the road and a squeal leaves my lips as the tires screech along the asphalt.

" Ronnie watch out!!" I yell to him seeing a large branch in the road

He switches around it and looks in the rearview mirror. The black SUV is still pursuing, not letting up one bit. I shift in my seat my thighs pressed tightly together. I take my bottom lip between my teeth as I watch Ronnie take every curve, the car going a little faster each time.

"kitten.... I need you to do something for me." He says glancing my way for a moment a worried look in his eyes

" yes?" I ask him softly my eyes swelling with tears that so desperately want to fall from the amount of anxiety coursing through my system

" 1.) stop moving like that I don't have time to pull over and fuck the absolute shit of that tight little pussy and be between those sexy legs of yours." He says taking his bottom lip between his teeth glancing over at me before sliding the car around another curve

Well that just turned me on and I really didn't think it would.

" yes sir." I say softly trying to remain still so he can drive and do his best to get us away from who I assume to be Andy pursuing us .

" 2.) we are coming up to a straight shot in the road. I need you to roll down your window. On my count you will slide half of your body out of the window and when I sling the car sideways to go back the way we just came you are going to release every single round in that clip at the SUV." He says and my eyes go wide

" Ronnie no! I can't! What if I fall out? What if the person driving the SUV has too much speed and slams into my side before our vehicle can be slung completely around?" I ramble off quicker than my brain can think it

" kitten listen to me. We have to get this person or people off of us. It's not safe and I know there's not much road left, and a dead end is coming. Please just trust me. " he says looking into my eyes for a moment, his eyes looking at me as if he's begging me to. My heart falls out of my chest. I have to do this.

I unbuckle myself and roll down the window, feeling the chilly night breeze against my face. I sit up and give Ronnie a kiss on his cheek. I don't know if that was more for him or me but either way if I die he will know I wasn't mad at him for this.

" ready kitten?" He asks and I bite my lip a few tears falling as I nod my head

"1....2....3 NOW!" He shouts at me and I slide half my body out the window he slings the car around and I begin unloading the magazine at the car

I feel Ronnie's hand slip into my waist band holding me tightly so I don't fly out of the vehicle. I land a few shots in the windshield and a few on the hood of the SUV. I felt like in that moment everything was moving in slow motion. We spun around completely 360 degrees now flying the opposite way.

The black SUV screeches to a halt and I let off the last few rounds through their back window. Ronnie slams the gas and sends us flying way over 100mph leaving the black SUV in the dust. I climb back down into the car and my body begins to shake uncontrollably as the tears fall.

" fuck! Fuck! Load the clip babygirl load the fucking clip now!!" Ronnie hollers out as I quickly wipe my eyes and load the gun again.

I finally look up and see another black SUV approaching us very very quickly.

" I need the gun kitten come on!" He hollers holding his hand out

I slide the clip into the magazine handing him the gun and buckling myself back in just to be safe. He holds his arm out of the window and begins firing at the SUV but it doesn't falter as we get closer and closer.

" fuck!!" Ronnie screams hitting the steering wheel with the palm of his hand slightly.

" listen kitten I will keep you safe I promise I hate to do this but I need you to tuck down for me, and just close your eyes." He says and I shake my head knowing what he's bound to do.

" please Elliana just please!" He says looking at me for a few seconds again his eyes nearly begging me to do so, so I do as I'm told and tuck down and close my eyes

I feel his big hand hold my ribcage for a brief moment before I feel the car being slung sideways, and almost feels as if we're in the air for a few seconds, and who would've guessed I was right. The car slams into the ground tumbling down the hill. My screams fill the car and I can still feel Ronnie holding onto my side tightly. I don't know how many times we rolled or how big of a fall we just took all I know is my head is pounding and I can feel blood down my arms and my face, as the car comes to a halt against a tree sideways.

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