Chapter 21.

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Elliana's POV

I was left alone for a while about to pass out from pure exhaustion of crying and my mind already wanting to give up but I keep Ronnie's voice in my head knowing he'd tell me to bed strong and keep fighting. The door opens and Andy comes in again this time with what looks like a battery box and some cables. My heart jumps from my chest and my breathing picks up.

" I heard and saw what you did to one of my men little mouse. Now you will reap the consequences." He says setting the box on the bed side dresser

" please Andy. Don't do this." I say to him biting my lip not wanting more tears to fall

" you can beg all you want to darling but a bad girl is a bad girl, if you would have just let him do it you wouldn't have a consequence now would you?" He asks me attaching the metal ends of 2 cords to my nipples then laces a band around my neck.

This crazy fuck is gonna electrocute me. Fucking shit. He really is mental.

" listen I'll do whatever just please don't do this.." I beg more, fighting my restraints but in the end knowing they aren't gonna budge.

" and you really think I'm going to believe that? I'm not stupid I've been around this carousel for a long time little mouse." He says smirking at me

All of a sudden a sharp pain shoots through my neck, and my whole body. My body shakes and convulses rapidly and feels as if I'm on fire. Then it stops, the millions of electrodes shooting through my body is shut off and Andy stands next to me

" you will obey me now correct?" He asks me his hand on the battery waiting for my response, and honestly if this thing can kill me then let it I don't want to know much more of what he will do to me.

" never in a million fucking years. " I say trying to catch my breath and he slightly chuckles clicking the battery on again

The same feeling shoots through my toes, my mind and body going into fight mode and doing what it can to fight against the volts of electricity shooting through me. He cuts it off after what feels like forever my body relaxing back down but still twitching slightly, my breathing is rapid and feels like my heart is going way faster than it needs to.

" dear darling, your body will only be able to take so much more so I suggest you answer properly this time. You. Will. Obey. Me. Correct?" He says his tone evil and wicked.

" yes. I-I will..." I say which once again sends the electricity coursing through me like a lighting bolt, my vision now going black in and out.

He stops it shortly after, now detaching the metal from me and laying it down. He takes my face in his hand squeezing tightly, my eyes barely able to see the features of his face as they fight to stay open.

" it's yes master to you, little mouse anything less will result in punishment do you understand. If you also keep running that little mouth of yours I'll cut out your tongue personally. " he says way to calm as someone should letting my face go, my head hitting the wood bed frame roughly

He pulls out a syringe and shoves it in the side of my neck, no squeal no scream my body is becoming tolerant to the pain. I just hope Ronnie finds me soon... I don't know how much fight I got left but I'm going to keep going with everything in me, maybe even find my own way out.

" sleep good little mouse. I'll be back after a while." He says grabbing the battery box and leaving the room

Mumbled groans leave my lips as I try to fight to stay awake. Lord knows what these men would do to my unconscious body, most likely the worst since I can't fight back. The more I fight it the more the medicine over powers me and my world finally draws black. Oh Ronnie please... please hurry...

Ronnie's POV

" have you found the info on the man who first ripped Elliana from the car?" I ask jay as I continue to type on the computer in the office looking up any information I can about the men who work for Andy.

" no, not yet. But I have found information on the previous girls. And there's multiples. All dead now. Some bodies found burnt to death, some mutilated, some ripped apart limb from limb and sewn onto another girls body, this man is ruthless Ronnie. Way worse than we could have ever imagined.." Jacky says showing me the news clippings he had found

" knowing my sweet kitten she's getting herself into trouble right about now and I doubt Andy will appreciate that attitude she's got. She hasn't got long jay... we have to find something. Has Chris motionless said anything yet, or Luke holland?" I ask him getting up from my chair and grabbing the bottle of scotch and pouring both of us a glass.

" Chris said he found something on one of the men. He's coming over, and Luke is still checking security footage from all over LA." Jay says and I nod my head

I can only imagine the terrible things she's being put through right now. I always thought I was bad but no way, I just like intense pleasure, and that's exactly what she gave me, intense pleasure and feel things I haven't felt in years. I hear the door open downstairs and Jay and myself both walk down meeting Chris.

He's a tall man, pretty lanky, plastered with tattoos and short dark hair that shaved on the sides. Looks absolutely terrifying but he's a good man nonetheless

" hello men. I'm sure you would both love to hear what I'm gonna say." Chris starts walking into the living room and taking a seat on the couch popping open his laptop.

" spit it out Chris she ain't got much time." I say to him rolling my head around popping my neck.

" the man who ripped her from the car? It's a man name Dominic paulsey. Been in and out of jail for years, was the worst prisoner in the whole prison but cleaned up his act to get out. He's Andy's best man, lived in southside LA, but burnt his house down for insurance reasons." Chris says looking up at me

" okay and? That gives us nothing on where he's at, cause wherever he is Andy will be and wherever Andy is my kitten will be close by." I tell him and he chuckles

" that was just the beginning my dear friend, I got his license plate number. Found the vehicle only thing is they're a few hours from here somewhere hidden deep in the valley, but I don't have an exact location. The trail goes cold after he turns off the main road. Which tells me he has another vehicle. But it's not showing up in records." Chris says leaning back setting his computer next to him

" they're smart. Really fucking smart. Keep looking into the other men, call luke see if he can borrow a plane and fly over the area maybe he can locate the house from the sky. I have to try and rest. If yall leave lock up, if not guest bedrooms are on the other end of the house." I say to them making my way up the stairs.

Stay strong kitten, you can do this. Outsmart them and find a way out I know you can, I think to myself walking into the now empty cold bedroom in which she made feel like home. I lay in the bed smelling her same scent of roses and coconuts from last nights shower before she was taken. It's been a long night and day, I can't believe I left her home alone all day with Jacky just to come home this evening to bullshit then her get taken.

This only fuels the rage coursing inside of me. Knowing I fucked up, knowing I got too ahead of myself, just trying to do the right thing and get us out of here. I will have her back soon enough I can feel it in my soul. But with each passing day it's closer and closer to her possible death. I can only imagine what she's enduring....

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