Here we are.

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Ronnie's POV

We sat and waited for a long time before Dominic finally came bursting through the door and into the living room stopping when he saw me standing behind his wife with a gun to her head

" fucking radke I should have known." He said and I could tell his heart beat was picking up by his breathing

" hello Dominic. You and your buddies have fun with what's mine?" I ask him in a hushed tone finally raising my head to meet his

" oh yeah, she's a good little whore, is that what you wanted to hear? Do you want to hear how me and two other men just violated her in ways she might never recover from? Do you want to hear how she screamed and begged us to stop but we didn't listen?" He says smirking my rage only being fueled more hearing about him do those things to my sweet Elliana.

" how would you like it if I did those things to your wife, but while you watched?" I ask him and his face gets red with anger as he steps closer I cock my gun and raise a finger

" ah ah ah... come much closer and I'll shoot her. The sweet mother of your children. Or you can go ahead and confess right now where they have my precious kitten and save both of yourselves." I say just as Chris motionless comes around the corner pointing a shot gun at the back of Dominic's head

" okay okay! Look I don't have an exact address. But I can take you to her... but it won't be easy.... Andy has about 15 men surrounding that place all around.... I doubt you'd make it out alive." He tells me as I step close to him

" it's crazy how a man can do many many things in the midst of something he is trying to get back. " I say to him and he knows exactly what I meant

If he didn't agree to do this his wife would have ended up dead and he would have had to explain to his two kids how mommy died, then probably went to jail because officers would have thought it was him who killed her.

We all get into my car Chris is in the back with Dom and Jacky is in the front with me in the passenger seat keeping tabs on the license plate number we managed to get out of Dominic for the vehicle Andy is currently using. I'll be there soon kitten just hang on.

Elliana's POV

Andy has been sat in the room with me for what feels like hours now not saying a word.

" can I please take a shower? Or eat something?" I ask him trying to be polite

He stands coming over to me and slipping off his shirt and then his pants coming over me inbetween my legs. He gets close to my face our lips inches apart.

" you know the funny thing about power? It terrifies some people. Puts them in a corner. But you see little mouse I took ahold of that power and controlled myself learned to be but only so forgiving." He says his lips grazing mine and I pull my own inwards not wanting his disgusting lips on mine

" you think you have power but you're the one in the corner. Always looking for a way out." I say to him turning my head away from him as he slips his cock out of his boxers tapping it against my pussy

" I have the power right now. Everything is in the palm of my hands. I have Ronnie Radkes precious woman and I'm almost certain he is loosing his mind knowing he has no control." He says sliding his cock inside of me

I whine and whimper but not from it feeling good, no, I'm in pain so much pain, and I wish it would stop oh how I wish it would end. He kisses my neck biting down hard and I can feel little blood droplets pooling from his bite marks. He thrusts into me harder, tears falling down my cheeks as I cry silently.

" your pussy is like heaven, it feels like no other woman I've ever fucked and I now see why Ronnie enjoys you so much." He growls taking out his pocket knife

A slight scream leaves my lips as I start to try and fight to get away from him. He brings the blade down slicing it arcross my chest and puts his head down liking the blood off of me

" tastes like fine wine that's been aged for many years." He moans thrusting harder

He cuts me a few more times thrashing into me harder than what any of those other men did. He comes close to finishing and pulls out shoving his cock down my throat releasing his disgusting cum down my throat. Once he finished I couldn't help but puke back up what just went down my throat.

" dirty little whore!" He yells and smacks me across my face

" don't you be so disrespectful. You will learn. Anyways, one of my men will escort you to the shower you may wash yourself off but I have no control over what he may do while watching you." He says with an evil smile leaving the room and I cry hard. My body shaking and convulsing from how hard I'm crying. I'm surprised my eyes aren't swollen shut from how much I've cried.

The man enters the room, and unties me grabbing both my arms and forcefully throwing me into the shower. I let out a scream as my body scrapes against the rough tile floor. He turns the water on its freezing at first then gets slightly warmer but not by much.

" stand up." He says sliding his pants down and I shake my head

He lifts me up and slams my face into the wall hard sliding his cock forcefully into me. I scream and try to punch or hit him in someway from behind.

" please stop! It hurts! Please I'm begging you!" I scream out while he laughs

All of a sudden the man is ripped from me. I fall to the ground hiding my head in my arms closing my eyes.

" hey man what the-" is all I hear then glass breaking my body shivers from the cold water but I don't move

I hear a gunshot go off and I involuntarily scream slightly thinking it was me that got hit with the bullet. The water shuts off and I feel someone pick me up

" let me go!! No! Please no more let me fucking go!!!" I scream as if I'm being killed fighting the man my eyes still shut

" kitten! Babygirl it's me!! Stop fighting!!" I hear Ronnie's deep voice yell at me and I can't believe it not one bit. My eyes spring open and there he is, my sweet Ronnie towering over me

I collapse into his arms sobbing uncontrollably. I hear gunshots going off throughout the house as Ronnie wraps me in a towel.

" come on kitten we have to go now, there's no time to waste." Ronnie says picking me up and walking out of the bathroom

" hold it right there radke you're not going any fucking where." I hear Andy's voice say as my head is still buried against Ronnie

" that's what you think Andy. But your day has finally come. It's over." Ronnie says and I look up to see a tall man I haven't seen yet holding a very very large gun to the back of Andy's head

" Chris. Do what you may with him." Ronnie says smirking and the man nods

" how does it feel to know you have no power and are about to die? Meet your fucking maker you sick bastard." Ronnie says exiting the room and carrying me back down stairs

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