When the sun goes down pt 2.

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Elliana's POV

My side of the car is on the ground as I can feel the grass on my skin. Ronnie groans holding his head and taps the light above the mirror.

" hey, kitten you still with me? Are you okay? He asks as he unbuckles his seat and shifts himself around to get a better look at me

" everything hurts..." I say softly managing to look up at him seeing as how the car is on its side

" come on we gotta get outta here." He says slipping himself out of the driver side window then leaning half his body back in and pulling me from the wreck

The car is completely smashed and tore all to pieces, we had to of been flying at least 70mph down that hill when he finally slowed enough in order to send us flying through the air but trying to do so safely. He sets me on the ground and holds the top half of my body against him assessing my wounds.

" stay right here hang on." He says as he carefully lays me down

Tears stream from my face as I silently cry, the adrenaline and anxiety leaving my body.  I look around and we are completely surrounded by trees and the last little bit of sunlight disappears. I feel my head and can feel warm blood along the side of my face, the scratch doesn't feel big that's on my face but it sure does sting. My whole body aches a pain that I've never quite felt before but Ronnie seems as if he's might've done this a time or two, or maybe his pain tolerance is just way higher.

He comes back with his phone against his ear talking to someone.

" yeah yeah she's good, yeah we're just off the path of the main road down the hill.  you'll see the tire marks. I'm sure it was Andy. He drugged her last night but I didn't think he'd strike again this soon......... you're kidding me right? God damn it. Okay. Okay. See you soon." He says talking to the other person as he holds me close to his chest

" are we gonna be okay.." I ask softly burying my face into him

" yes kitten we're gonna be fine I promise. As long as I got you you're safe. Now come on, we gotta get back to the main road. A old friend of mine is coming to pick us up." He says and I nod my head

I go to stand up but feel a sharp pain in my lower back, no doubt something definitely got jolted around. Ronnie picks me up and carries me back up the hill we just came flying and tumbling down.

" so how many people know about me?" I ask him as he sits on the asphalt with me in the darkness that surrounds us

" well kitten Andy was the first one to see you at the club you worked at. Described you to me and showed interest but I knew I couldn't let Andy get to you first so for the next year I watched you, paid attention to every detail, then took you as mine. My friend jacky Vincent knew I had found a girl I liked but he doesn't know what I did to get you. " he said stroking my hair as I laid my head on his legs

" why did you sound mad before you got off the phone?" I asked him shifting around to try and ease the pressure emanating from my entire body

" Andy now has men, That work for him to put it easily. Those black SUV's were Andy's men. Which means he is way more involved in what he does than I could have ever imagined. But don't worry babygirl I will do everything I can to keep you safely. I can't imagine what Andy would do if he got ahold of you, and when I tell you he's worse than I am, he is way worse." He says lowly and my body shivers thinking about what Andy would do to me

Probably very nasty horrible things. In the darkness I can hear a car coming down the road, Ronnie helps me up and holds me in his arms as the car pulls up next to us.

" hey Ron, got yourself in a tizzy didn't ya?" I assume to be jacky asked Ronnie and he opened the door so Ronnie could lay me down in the back seat

" that's an easier way to put it I guess. Thanks jay... I owe you one." He says as they both get into the front seat

My head pounds and screams at me in pain, my body feels as if I was just whipped around in a EF5 tornado... I'm scared to go to sleep but I want to close my eyes and rest so desperately. I turn over in the back seat my back facing them in the front. I close my eyes but keep myself awake.

" so Andy ain't gonna stop is he?" I hear jacky say to Ronnie

" I really don't think he is, he's worse than I ever thought about being. Mines just for kinky pleasurable purposes, and domination, but his is the intent on sexual torture then to kill once he's no longer satisfied." Ronnie says and I hold in the terrified tears wanting to be released from my eyes

" who would've thought Andy turned this bad..." jacky says sighing as he continues down the winding road taking Ronnie and I home.

" well He was never really paid attention to so I assume it turned to hatred, and it all started when he took seline from me when we were teenagers. I knew deep down if I ever found someone to love like that again he would stop at nothing to make sure I felt like he did. Alone. Depressed. Hated the world." Ronnie says and my heart twinges slightly at the thought of him loving someone else even though I know it shouldn't have an effect on me, but man it does it really does and I wonder if I am just as good as her or better... just as pretty or prettier.... Jealousy is a bitch...

I can tell we made it back to the city as I can now see lights flickering in the window as we continue our way home. So I decide to try and sit up so Ronnie doesn't have to carry me once again. We pulled into the drive way and as soon as jacky parked the car I got out and hobbled my way slowly inside. No urge to run, I just want to go take a shower and go to sleep, so I make my way slowly up the stairs and into the big bedroom.

I start the shower and undress, stepping in it and letting the water run over my sore and banged up body

" kitten! Where'd ya go?" I can hear Ronnie's deep voice say through the house as I also hear his footsteps coming into the room

" oh there you are babygirl, how are you feeling?" He asks but I don't answer my heart still hurts from hearing about the girl who once had his heart and I wonder how deeply he felt for her.

" alright so I'm getting the silent treatment, well kitten if you haven't been through so much tonight I'd give you a little punishment for that, but I'll give you the free chance." He says laying out 2 towels for me then leaving the bathroom

I finish in the shower and dry myself off tying my hair up in the towel then wrap the other one around my body. I step into the chilly bedroom and see Ronnie shirtless in black joggers addressing a few wounds with bandages.

" Ronnie?" I say softly as I put on a pair of red thongs

" yes my kitten." He says looking up at me then his eyes trail my body and he licks his lips

" who was seline?" I ask him as I slip on a big t shirt which I assume to be his and undo my hair from the towel

" you heard that? Oh... uhm... well she was my first girlfriend I had when I was a teen. I loved her like no other seeing as how she was my first love. I gave my all to her I gave her the world, but I lost her. Andy killed her. Was jealous I was so happy and in love. I was out of town I used to be in a band, and when I came back from tour I found her body in my old home, looked as if a tiger had ripped her apart. Me and Andy didn't talk after that, and my band separated." He says sighing and standing up coming close to me and lighting a cigarette

" do you project her onto me?" I asked not having control over my words

" if you mean do I see her in you no I don't. Yes I loved her extraordinarily but you my sweet kitten, you are something entirely different, and I want you to be my present, my future and my last." He says wrapping his arm around my waist pulling me into his warm body

I look into his eyes watching them, seeing them dilate when he looks at me. Maybe I'm just what he needed, I knew I shouldn't have thought about it like that but for some reason my heart couldn't help it. I'm torn between wanting to fall in love with him and wanting to keep my walls up, but with passing days I find it harder and harder to keep them there.

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