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"Aren't you tired of swinging, lad?" Louis asked, his arms aching from pushing Niall so much.

They'd already been at the park for an hour, and Niall was still loaded with energy.

It wasn't even lunch time.

But Louis reminded himself that he shouldn't be concerned about the time.

He was enjoying being out with Niall, getting a little fresh air and watching his son have fun.

However, Louis was concerned about his husband.

Zayn hadn't answered any of Louis' calls, or texts.

Louis didn't really blame Zayn if he was ignoring him, but Louis was worried about Zayn's safety.

Zayn wasn't one to cry a lot, so the fact that he left the house in tears worried Louis.

He feared that Zayn could be out lying in a ditch somewhere.

Or, that he left.

Louis always feared that Zayn would just leave one day.

"Guess so." Louis heard Niall say, bringing him out of his thoughts.

Louis gently stopped the swing, watching Niall hop off.

"You can go rest now, papa. I know you're old and need rest." Niall assured Louis before the boy turned and ran off onto the playground.

Louis chuckled, shaking his head and going to sit down on a bench.

He checked his phone, sighing when he saw that Zayn still hadn't replied.

"Louis, hey." He heard a familiar voice say, making him look up at Liam, who was approaching him.

He was wearing athletic clothing, and breathing heavily when he reached Louis.

The two looked at each other, and Liam smiled a crooked smile.

"What's up?" He asked, remembering the way Louis moaned for him the other night.

Louis remembered too, and he felt sick thinking about it.

Sick with guilt.

Especially with his husband missing like this.

"I'm here with my son." Louis said, hoping Liam realized that meant go away.

"Aw. Can I meet him?" Liam asked.

Louis frowned, standing up. "No, Liam. What we did or- are doing or- whatever, isn't something to be proud of. My son doesn't need to meet the man his papa cheated on his daddy with." Louis said.

Liam stared at him for a moment.

"What's going on?" He asked knowingly, looking into Louis' beautiful eyes.

Liam knew Louis was upset, because Louis was usually much more open, and friendly to him.

"Zayn's missing." Louis admitted with a sigh.

"He left after a fight last night and I haven't heard from him, or seen him since." Louis said.

"He probably went drinking and is at someone's house. And maybe his phone died." Liam shrugged.

"Don't worry, he'll be fine." Liam said.

"How can you know that?" Louis asked skeptically.

"I can't. I just know that I don't want you to worry." Liam said softly, stepping closer to him.

Louis swallowed, hating how he felt at the moment.

He was craving Liam's comfort, but he knew it was wrong.

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