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While Louis cooked dinner, Liam and Niall sat at the kitchen table waiting.

"I've got a present for you after you finish your dinner." Liam said, remembering how badly Louis wanted him to get along with Niall.

So, he'd finally decided to put some effort into trying.

Niall glared at him. "Don't want it."

"But you haven't seen it yet." Liam said. "It's in my and your papa's bedroom."

"I bet you'll like it." He smiled.

"Hope you'll like the dungeon." Niall muttered.

"What was that?" Liam asked, keeping a smile on his face.

"When I get rich and buy papa a castle you're gonna be kept in the dungeon." Niall told him.

Louis bit his lip to keep from laughing, thankful he had his back to them.

"Listen, I'm sorry that I was mean to you Niall. And I won't kiss your papa in front of you anymore of it makes you mad. In fact, I won't do anything that upsets you anymore, I promise. Will you forgive me?" Liam asked.

Niall avoided his eyes. "Show me my present and I'll think about it."

Liam looked at Louis, wanting to chuckle at what the boy just said.

"Okay, follow me." Liam said, getting up.

"What happened to after dinner?" Louis asked, pausing from stirring noodles.

"I have to break the rules a little if I want him to think I'm cool, obviously." Liam said discreetly before he led Niall out of the kitchen.

"Is it big?" Niall asked, following close behind Liam.

"Pretty big, yeah." Liam said, stopping at the bedroom door and gripping the knob.

"Are you ready?" He asked.

Niall stood there with his arms folded. "I suppose." He said, sounding and looking just like his papa.

Liam chuckled at the resemblance before he opened the door, stepping aside so Niall could see.

He gasped, seeing a brand new shiny blue bike sitting there with a white bow on it.

Liam smiled at his expression, knowing he did good.

He actually liked this feeling. Making the kid happy and all. Something about seeing the excitement in Niall's big blue eyes made him kind of happy.

"It's mine?" Niall asked, looking up at Liam.

He nodded, smiling as Niall ran over to inspect it.

"Yep, picked it out just for you. I know there's more room to ride at your daddy's than here, so if you want me to take you to the park to ride it-"

"Can we go now? Please?" Niall asked, jumping up and down and holding onto the handle bars as he looked at Liam again.

"I think we should wait until after dinner-"

"But what if it's dark by then, or it rains?" Niall asked, looking worried now.

Liam started to tell him that it'd be best to wait, but then he realized something.

"Wait, you want to go with me? You're okay with me taking you to the park?" He asked.

"Yeah, I really wanna go ride it. Can we please?" Niall asked, still gripping the handle bars.

"Interesting." Liam said, smiling a little. "Okay, go get your shoes on."

"Yes!" Niall cheered, running out of the room.

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