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On Sunday evening, Louis dropped Niall off at Zayn's then headed back home.

He planned on having an evening to himself and a bottle of wine, but when he returned to find Liam there, his spirits sank.

"What are you doing here?" He asked coldly, walking into the kitchen.

"I live here." Liam said, closing the fridge and staring at him.

"Well, for now." He added quietly.

"What?" Louis asked.

"You wanna sit?" Liam asked, motioning to the table.

"Okay." Louis said, slowly sitting down.

Liam sat across from him, sighing. "While I was visiting my parents I ran into an old flame. We hit it off, and...I think I want to move back home."

"What do you mean? You're going to move back in with your parents for a few good fucks?" Louis scoffed.

"No, I was in love with them at one point if you must know. My dad mentioned some job openings there, plus I miss where I grew up. I think it'll be good for me to get back and get away from you." Liam said.

"I can't deal with this anymore Louis. It's like all of your baggage is on me."

"So....what? This flat is yours. Well, in your name. What am I supposed to do?" Louis asked.

"Well, I'm sure you can find somewhere else right?" Liam asked.

"I mean....yeah but it'll take a while." Louis said, wondering if Liam had lost his mind.

"How long is a while? I was wanting to be moved back by Tuesday at the latest." Liam said.

"You expect me to find somewhere else to live in two days?" Louis asked loudly, shocked.

"Lou, I looked over the lease and there's no way I can sign the flat over to you. If there was I would." Liam said.

"So....so this is it?" Louis scoffed.

"Yeah. Thought that was clear." Liam said, getting up.

"I just....think it's funny after all those nights of I love you and leave him for me mean nothing now." Louis said.

"Well, do you seriously want to try and make this work? Because I don't. I've moved on." Liam shrugged.

"Moved on? In two days you've moved on?" Louis asked.

"Yes, Louis. I have. Didn't take much after what you said." Liam snapped.

"Fine. Whatever. Throw it all away." Louis said.

"Throw what away? This was an affair that turned into both of us fighting all the time and being stressed. I don't feel like I used to about you. I mean maybe if you weren't still so tied up in Zayn-"

"Excuse me? I don't care about him! What makes you think I'm still so tied up in him?" Louis asked.

"Maybe because you talk about him all the time? Maybe because every time you come from over there you just bitch and bitch about Harry? Because you're jealous?"

"I'm not jealous! I couldn't care less!" Louis exclaimed.

"Whatever. You're in denial, Louis." Liam said, walking away.

"No, I don't care about Zayn at all! If I did do you think I'd be here? Do you think I'd be neck deep in problems I created? Do you think I would be ruining my sons life? That-That I would throw my marriage away and be a terrible father? Is that what you think?" Louis yelled, crying now.

Infidelity [Zarry]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon