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Almost two weeks later, Zayn received a phone call from Louis' mum while stuck in school traffic on a Friday afternoon.

"Hello?" He answered, turning the radio down.

Niall, who'd been singing his heart out, quieted down and watched his daddy.

"Zayn, we need to talk." Johannah said.

"About?" He frowned.

"Niall. Last weekend Louis let Niall stay over Friday night. Everything was great until me and him decided to colour and chat. He drew pictures of you and Louis fighting, and of Louis with some other man, and you with some other man. He was telling me about how he doesn't like to stay with his papa because of the mean man, and how Harry and daddy are getting married. He's a child, Zayn. He doesn't need to be exposed to these sort of things." She said.

"This isn't my fault, Johannah. I'm guessing Louis hasn't told you what he did, other than drop our son off at your place when he was supposed to be spending time with him. Weekends are his time with Niall." Zayn said sharply.

He really wished he could be alone with Louis right now. Preferably in a boxing ring.

"No, I know about it. All of it. And I'm not trying to blame you, I'm just telling you. Believe me, I've already had a similar chat with Louis. It isn't right, Niall is five years old. This is going to make him think it's okay to get married and be unfaithful. Or he'll be afraid to get married because of what he's seen with the two of you." She said.

"When you have a child, it isn't about you anymore. It's about your child. You and Louis need to step up, this is ridiculous." She said sternly.

"What exactly is it you suggest I do? I think I'm doing a great job at being a father." Zayn said with a skeptical tone of voice.

Johannah sighed. "I dunno if there's anything you or Louis can do. The damage seems to have already been done. But I've done you a favor to try and help this situation. For my grandson."

"And...what's that?" Zayn asked.

"I have the number of a child psychiatrist here, and I'm willing to pay for Niall's sessions if you and Louis agree to take him."


"I think it'll do Niall good to talk to someone that isn't family. Maybe the psychiatrist can help." Johannah said.

"Help with what? He's fine. He doesn't need a bloody shrink." Zayn scoffed.

"Zayn you need to open your eyes. Nothing about any of this is fine. Your mother and I discussed it and we both think it's a good idea. If you and Louis don't like it Niall can stop going. But at least give it a try." She said.

He sighed heavily, instantly finding his cigarettes and lighting one.

"Fine. I'll think about it." Zayn eventually said.

"Good. Tell Niall I said hello and that I love him, will you?" She asked.

"Sure." Zayn said before they hung up.

"Daddy?" Niall asked after a long silence.

"Hm?" Zayn hummed, taking a drag.

"Am I in trouble?"

"No, why would you be?" Zayn frowned.

"Cos I heard you say my name and you're mad."

"No, I'm not mad. It's okay." Zayn said.

"But why'd you say my name?"

"Grandma and I were just chatting." Zayn said. "She said to tell you hello and that she loves you."

Niall didn't respond, looking puzzled. "Can you turn the radio back on?"

"Sure, I want to hear you sing some more." Zayn smiled.

"You like my singing daddy?" Niall asked.

"I love it." Zayn smiled at him.

"Am I good?" Niall asked, smiling too.

"Absolutely. I bet you're gonna be famous one day." Zayn told him.

"Hope so. I wanna be rich too." Niall

"What would you buy if you were rich?" Zayn asked.

"Toys, and pizza." Niall said.

"Is that all?" Zayn asked.

Niall thought for a moment. "I'd buy papa a castle and a bunch of servants, and a dungeon where he can keep the mean man."

Zayn chuckled. "I like that idea."

"I'd buy you and Harry a castle too." Niall decided.

"Thank you." Zayn smiled. "And...for the record lad, Harry and I aren't going to get married." He said, wanting to clarify.

Niall frowned. "But why not?"

"Because....well we just aren't." Zayn said, struggling.

"I thought you loved each other." Niall said.


"Cos you act just like you and papa did when I was little. You're happy and you don't fight."

Zayn bit his lip. "Harry and I aren't anything like papa and me, okay? I told you, Harry's my...friend." He said, deciding to leave out the boy part.

"And you're still little." He added, smiling.

"Not like I used to be. I know stuff now. I can cut my own pancakes." Niall said.

"With help." Zayn mumbled.

"What?" Niall asked, leaning forward in his seat.

"Nothing. Here," Zayn chuckled, turning the radio back up.

He sighed to himself, beginning to think that whole psychiatrist idea wasn't such a bad one.


That evening when Louis came to get Niall, Zayn decided to try and talk to him.

After Niall was buckled into Louis' car and he closed the door, he stood next to the car with his arms folded, waiting for Zayn to speak.

He felt like Zayn was going to bitch at him for something, and he really wasn't in the mood.

"Your mum called me today and told me about the psychiatrist idea. I want to know what you think about it." Zayn said, looking into his eyes.

"I think we should try it out, at least." Louis nodded.

"Are you sure?" Zayn asked, not wanting Louis to throw a fit in the future.

"Yeah. I think my mum has a good point, regardless of the way she said some things." Louis said, remembering how she snapped at him.

Zayn nodded. "Alright. Well...talk to her and let me know when the first session is."

"Sure." Louis said, walking around his car to get in it.

"He sneezed a few times after I got him home so...keep an eye out for more symptoms and stuff." Zayn added.

"I will." Louis said, getting in the car.

Zayn waved to Niall as Louis backed out of the driveway, and Niall waved back, wishing he didn't have to leave his daddy.

A/N: I wonder if the psychiatrist will be someone you'll recognize.....

P.s.- More Zarry on the way, obviously

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